HOP No. |
HOP title |
HOP 0071 |
CORE: VTT-Hinode/SOT collaboration (Search of transient horizontal magnetic fields in the chromosphere) |
HOP 0072 |
Radiative structure of small magnetic elements: faculae, network and inter network in the quiet Sun |
HOP 0073 |
CORE Too: Quiescent Prominence Structure and Dynamics |
HOP 0074 |
Search for photospheric/chromospheric drivers of chromospheric penumbral micro-jets |
HOP 0075 |
Coordinated Observations between Hida Observatory & Hinode Satellite |
HOP 0076 |
Observation of an equatorial coronal hole |
HOP 0077 |
Support of SUMI rocket flight |
HOP 0078 |
Too: Study of OScillatory Magneto-Convection in Umbral Dots |
HOP 0079 |
CORE (HOP0046): Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans (Updated by HOP 412) |
HOP 0080 |
Polar Coronal Hole Observation |
HOP 0081 |
CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle |
HOP 0082 |
Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas with SOHO and Hinode |
HOP 0083 |
Too: (HOP0044) Coronal hole plumes at solar minimum |
HOP 0084 |
X-Ray Jets in coronal holes |
HOP 0085 |
Polar Plumes |
HOP 0086 |
Connection between photospheric vortex flows and transition region and coronal heating |
HOP 0087 |
Too: Structure and dynamics of penumbral filaments |
HOP 0088 |
Physical mechanisms driving solar microflares and network dynamic fibrils; relevance for coronal heating and mass supply |
HOP 0089 |
Search of transient horizontal magnetic fields in the chromosphere: joint observing campaign with the NSO Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) |
HOP 0090 |
Joint Study of XRT, CaIIK jets and Quiet Sun H-alpha Surges |
HOP 0091 |
CORE Quiet sun nanoflares |
HOP 0092 |
Vorticity of intergranular flows associated with strong G-band flux concentrations. |
HOP 0093 |
(HOP31) SUMER campaign-Coronal holes boundaries evolution |
HOP 0094 |
Driving mechanism(s) of small scale transient brightenings in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0095 |
A statistical analysis of the Magnetic fields of the Network Bright Points (NBP) with the BFI and NFI at the boundaries of supergranules |
HOP 0096 |
CORE: Too: Characterizing Coronal Outflows in and Around Active Regions |
HOP 0097 |
CORE: Nanoflaring activities in the Quiet Sun |
HOP 0098 |
Multi-wavelength Observations of Oscillations in Polar Plumes |
HOP 0099 |
The Structure and Dynamics of Bright Points |
HOP 0100 |
CORE: Too: AR engineering test |
HOP 0101 |
Helioseismology Observations of the Sunfs polar regions with SOT |
HOP 0102 |
Too: Helioseismology Observations of Sunspots with SOT |
HOP 0103 |
Long duration sit and stare Coronal Hole Observations |
HOP 0104 |
Study of Coronal Hole Dynamics from EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO |
HOP 0105 |
He II lines in quiescent prominences |
HOP 0106 |
Velocity fields at the base of polar coronal holes |
HOP 0107 |
Slow Solar Wind Sources |
HOP 0108 |
Dynamics of bright points in polar and equatorial regions |
HOP 0109 |
Prediction of the EUV Helium line intensities in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0110 |
Full-range observations of solar wind origin in the coronal hole: from photosphere to corona |
HOP 0111 |
Filament and emerging flux, prominence and cavity |
HOP 0112 |
Spicule Seismology (QS) |
HOP 0113 |
Too: Spicule Seismology (AR) |
HOP 0114 |
Too: Coordinated Diagnostics of Coronal Cavities |
HOP 0115 |
Study of the photosphere dynamic at different heliographic latitudes by computing kinetic energy spectra of the horizontal velocity field |
HOP 0116 |
Joint Observations for HINODE with CORONAS-TESIS |
HOP 0117 |
Stokes polarimetry of photosphere and chromosphere. III (DST/IBIS) |
HOP 0118 |
Coordinated Observations with the SHAZAM Magnetograph |
HOP 0119 |
Magnetic flux emergence - Joint campaign with CRISP/SST |
HOP 0120 |
SUNRISE campaign |
HOP 0121 |
CORE: The Transition Corona |
HOP 0122 |
Complete Eclipse Movie for Public Outreach & Coronal Hole Temperature |
HOP 0123 |
Global coronal waves watch |
HOP 0124 |
Time-varying Doppler velocity diagnosis of X-ray Bright Points |
HOP 0125 |
Hinode support of solar eclipse ground-based observation (22-jul-09) |
HOP 0126 |
CORE: Chromospheric Jets |
HOP 0127 |
Post-Eclipse Four-Pointing Observation Sequence |
HOP 0128 |
CORE: Coordinated Observations between Hida Observatory & Hinode Satellite |
HOP 0129 |
CORE: ToO: Survey of Active Region Phenomena Associated with Micro-Type III Bursts |
HOP 0130 |
CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans |
HOP 0131 |
CORE: ToO: Helioseismology Observations of Coronal Hole with SOT |
HOP 0132 |
Activity of magnetic features in the solar atmosphere (emergence, shear, dispersion) |
HOP 0133 |
Joint observation with SST - I. fine structures in sunspot, II. type-II spicule- |
HOP 0134 |
Initial Cross-Calibration of SOT/SP and DST/FIRS Fe I 630 nm Polarimeter |
HOP 0135 |
CORE: H-alpha Wing Observations |
HOP 0136 |
CORE: Coordination with TESIS |
HOP 0137 |
CORE: Evolution of Network Boundary Elements: Possible Connections to the Corona |
HOP 0138 |
High spatial resolution scattering polarization observations in Ti I 5644A and Na ID2 |
HOP 0139 |
CORE Too: Study on prominence formation and evolution by emerging flux |
HOP 0140 |
3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS and Hinode |
HOP 0141 |
Velocity flows in quiet sun magnetic loop footpoints |
HOP 0142 |
Center-to-limb observation to study the dynamics of magnetic-hydrodynamic waves between the photosphere and the corona with SOT and EIS |
HOP 0143 |
Super resolving analysis of photospheric layers using a dierential cross-correlation technique |
HOP 0144 |
Type II Spicules: A candidate for coupling between the chromosphere and corona? |
HOP 0145 |
EIS/XRT cross-calibration |
HOP 0146 |
Solar Wind Source Regions During Solar Minimum Conditions |
HOP 0147 |
Formation and Decay of Sunspot Penumbrae |
HOP 0148 |
High Frequency Oscillations in the Photosphere and Lower Chromosphere |
HOP 0149 |
CORE: Observation of Emerging Magnetic Flux near Disc Centre |
HOP 0150 |
CORE: Flows during a filament eruption |
HOP 0151 |
Flux replacement in the photospheric network and internetwork |
HOP 0152 |
Magnetoseismology of bright points |
HOP 0153 |
HOP 0154 |
Coronal heating and connectivity between the transition region and coronal emission in active regions |
HOP 0155 |
Prediction of the EUV Helium line intensities in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0156 |
Search for High frequency oscillations and diagnostics of coronal loops |
HOP 0157 |
HOP from ISSI group on Chromospheric Flares |
HOP 0158 |
EIS Multi-line Observations of Solar Flares and Active Regions |
HOP 0159 |
CORE: Chromosphere-Corona connection |
HOP 0160 |
ToO: Long-term evolution of AR from flux emergence through decay |
HOP 0161 |
Doppler shift oscillations of active region loops |
HOP 0162 |
The Solar Atmosphere from the Chromosphere to the Corona |
HOP 0163 |
CORE: Variations in Line Width Across kG Magnetic Field Patches in Coronal Holes |
HOP 0164 |
Hinode support for Total solar eclipse observations on 11th July, 2010 |
HOP 0165 |
ToO: Tracking the outflows from the Sun into interplanetary space using Hinode EIS and Proba-2 SWAP |
HOP 0166 |
CORE: Vector Magnetic Field Structure Within and Below Active Region Filaments |
HOP 0167 |
Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network |
HOP 0168 |
CORE: Hinode's coordinated observation during the 2010 July 11 Total Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0169 |
Hunt for MHD waves: Magneto-seismology of pores and MBPs |
HOP 0170 |
Coordination wit the RAISE Sounding Rocket |
HOP 0171 |
Magnetic Field Structure of Active Region from Photosphere to Chromosphere |
HOP 0172 |
Long-term monitor of properties of transient horizontal magnetic fields |
HOP 0173 |
EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students |
HOP 0174 |
Ellerman Bombs and Emerging Flux Regions |
HOP 0175 |
Nature of propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen with EIS and AIA |
HOP 0176 |
High Resolution Multi-Wavelength Study of Small-Scale Jets on Solar Disk |
HOP 0177 |
Magnetic structures within coronal holes |
HOP 0178 |
Investigation of Dynamics of pores at photosphere and chromospheres with Hinode and NST/FISS observations |
HOP 0179 |
Relationship between small-scale magnetic fields and convection |
HOP 0180 |
Dynamics and physical properties of large scale coronal waves ("EIT waves") |
HOP 0181 |
ToO: The role of solar convection in the formation of active regions |
HOP 0182 |
Comparison of the horizontal velocity fields measured on HINODE and SDO observations over the Sun surface |
HOP 0183 |
Long-term dynamics of prominences |
HOP 0184 |
Center-to-limb variation of G-band intensity power suppression at the sites of fine-scale features |
HOP 0185 |
Quiet Sun and active region magnetism. Coordinated observations with SST |
HOP 0186 |
Mass loading of quiescent prominences from multi-wavelength observations |
HOP 0187 |
Core: Joint Observation for Tracking X-ray Jets from the Solar Surface to Interplanetary Space |
HOP 0188 |
Joint Solar Flare Observations with ROSA and IBIS |
HOP 0189 |
Coordinated observation with Akatsuki |
HOP 0190 |
Magnetic Field ToO: Topology and Dynamics of Moving Magnetic Features and Emerging Loops |
HOP 0191 |
Observations of the Chromosphere Coordinated with BBSO/NST |
HOP 0192 |
Joint Observations with SST |
HOP 0193 |
Line Shift vs. Temperature with Estimate of Absolute Velocity: Joint Observation with SUMER |
HOP 0194 |
A comparison of spectropolarimetric results: THEMIS, Hinode-SOT/SP and SDO/HMI. |
HOP 0195 |
CORE: ToO: Quiet Sun and facular regions properties. Coordinated observations with SST/DOT |
HOP 0196 |
Hinode-NST joint observations of intergranular jets |
HOP 0197 |
The Formation and Evolution of Filament Channels and their Filaments |
HOP 0198 |
Hinode-NST joint studies of magnetoc diffusion in Coronal Holes |
HOP 0199 |
Origin of penumbral fine structures and moving magnetic features observed with BBSO/NST and Hinode/SOT |
HOP 0200 |
Spicule observations with high cadence |
HOP 0201 |
CME Heating and Current Sheets |
HOP 0202 |
Driving Mechanism of Super-Sonic Flows in the Chromosphere around a Sunspot |
HOP 0203 |
Understanding the Driving Mechanisms and Properties of RBEs Using IBIS and Hinode |
HOP 0204 |
Tracking the outflows from the Sun into interplanetary space using Hinode EIS and Proba-2 SWAP |
HOP 0205 |
Line Shift vs. Temperature with Estimate of Absolute Velocity: Joint Observation with SUMER |
HOP 0206 |
Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24 |
HOP 0207 |
Study of the Rela7onship between a CME and a Coronal (EIT) Wave |
HOP 0208 |
Energy exchange between the photosphere and corona |
HOP 0209 |
Observations of Transit of Venus (ToV) 2012 June 5-6 |
HOP 0210 |
Acoustic events and magnetic elements in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0211 |
Hot plasma on]and off]disk in non]flaring AR with Hinode and SUMER |
HOP 0212 |
Dynamic events in the chromosphere of the Quiet Sun: RBEfs and Swirls |
HOP 0213 |
Emerging flux regions and solar filaments |
HOP 0214 |
Coordinated Observations Between the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) Sounding Rocket and EIS |
HOP 0215 |
Spicules: Current Sheets or flux tubes? |
HOP 0216 |
HI-C 36.272 support |
HOP 0217 |
Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network |
HOP 0218 |
Transit of Venus as Seen from Jupiter (JToV), 2012 September 20 |
HOP 0219 |
Sac Peak Prominence Observing Campaign |
HOP 0220 |
Flows Near Active Region Neutral Lines |
HOP 0221 |
Co-ordinated Observations with FOXSI: a Rocket-launched Hard X-ray telescope - |
HOP 0222 |
Chromospheric Solar Flares. Joint Observations with VTT/Gregor |
HOP 0223 |
The origin of high speed mass flows in solar polar regions |
HOP 0224 |
Coordinated Hinode and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 13 November 2012 |
HOP 0225 |
Transit of Venus as Seen from Saturn (SToV), 2012 December 21. |
HOP 0226 |
Diagnostics of Non-Maxwellian electron distributions in the solar corona |
HOP 0227 |
On-Disk Observations of Jet Features |
HOP 0228 |
EUV/Xray jets from coronal holes and active regions and the origin of the solar wind |
HOP 0229 |
Evolutionary behaviors of small magnetic elements in an active region remnant rushing to the south pole |
HOP 0230 |
SOT Observation of Mercury at Superior Conjunction |
HOP 0231 |
Sunrise 2013 Co-Observations |
HOP 0232 |
On-Disk Coronal Hole Jet Observations |
HOP 0233 |
A Detailed Magnetic and Thermal Study of an Active Region |
HOP 0234 |
The interaction between the coronal magnetic field and coronal rain through MHD waves |
HOP 0235 |
VERIS Sounding Rocket Launch Campaign |
HOP 0236 |
SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign |
HOP 0237 |
Spectroscopic study of gmagnetic tornadoes" |
HOP 0238 |
Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 3 November 2013 |
HOP 0239 |
Super resolving analysis of photospheric layers using adifferential cross-correlation technique |
HOP 0240 |
Temporal Evolution and Magnetic Polarity Reversal of the Sun's Polar Magnetic Patches |
HOP 0241 |
CO: Coordinated Observations Between EIS and IRIS |
HOP 0242 |
Hinode observations for Comet ISON |
HOP 0243 |
Effects of Quiet Sun Weak Fields on the Chromosphere and Transition Region |
HOP 0244 |
Joint IRIS/Hinode observations of post-eruption supra-arcade plasma |
HOP 0245 |
Joint IRIS/Hinode observations of small flares and micro-flares |
HOP 0246 |
Hot plasma properties in Active Regions |
HOP 0247 |
Hot plage/AR moss |
HOP 0248 |
Coronal rain diagnostics - thermal evolution, fine structure & MHD seismology |
HOP 0249 |
Spicule Evolution |
HOP 0250 |
High speed flows associated with chromospheric transients in and around a sunspot |
HOP 0251 |
Spectropolarimetry of flares |
HOP 0252 |
Transition Region Explosive Events |
HOP 0253 |
Active Region Expansion |
HOP 0254 |
Prominence dynamics |
HOP 0255 |
Magnetic field structure of the prominences, solar tornadoes and spicules |
HOP 0256 |
A study on the plasma properties of EIT waves from multi-wavelength observations |
HOP 0257 |
SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign |
HOP 0258 |
Spectro-polarimetric observation of a sunspot: Coordination with GREGOR GRIS |
HOP 0259 |
Detection of solar oscillations in sunspot (or plage) regions |
HOP 0260 |
Understanding the Formation, Heating, and Initiation of Magnetic Flux Rope |
HOP 0261 |
Formation and oscillation of active region filaments |
HOP 0262 |
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in coronal loops |
HOP 0263 |
Joint Flare Observations in Support of DST Service Mode Operations with ROSA, IBIS and FIRS |
HOP 0264 |
Magnetic Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Prominence-Cavity Systems |
HOP 0265 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with Comp-S |
HOP 0266 |
Small-scale reconnection in coronal hole plumes |
HOP 0267 |
The footpoints of sunspot plumes and fan loops |
HOP 0268 |
Transition region and coronal response to MMFs |
HOP 0269 |
Prominence-Coronal Cavity Systems: Cyclic Mass Transport and Magnetic Flux Emergence |
HOP 0270 |
Generation and heating of Network Jets |
HOP 0271 |
High cadence study of sunspot light bridgesf activity |
HOP 0272 |
Observation to Identify MHD Waves |
HOP 0273 |
Hinode Support for NRL VAULT Rocket Launch |
HOP 0274 |
Multi-wavelength observations to study the energy propagation of waves and flares from the photosphere to corona |
HOP 0275 |
Chromospheric dynamics in active region with a coordinated observation between Hida, Hinode and IRIS |
HOP 0276 |
Joint Observations of ALMA, Hinode and IRIS for the scientific verification of ALMA data |
HOP 0277 |
Imaging Spectropolarimetry in He I 1083.0 nm at the DST |
HOP 0278 |
Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations ofthe total solar eclipse of 20 Mar 2015 |
HOP 0279 |
Long Duration Coronal Hole Observation |
HOP 0280 |
Coordinated Hinode/XRT, SOT and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 |
HOP 0281 |
Coordinated quiet-Sun nanoflare investigations with NuSTAR |
HOP 0282 |
Coordinated active region DEM investigations with NuSTAR |
HOP 0283 |
Coordinated observations with NuSTAR of high coronal sources |
HOP 0284 |
IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans |
HOP 0285 |
Multi-height helioseismology of quiet-Sun and active regions. Coordinated observations with VTT |
HOP 0286 |
Coordinated Hinode, IRIS and NST observations of type II spicules |
HOP 0287 |
Active Region Filaments - Observing Shear Flows and the Evolution of Magnetic Shear along Magnetic Neutral Lines with GREGOR, VTT, and Hinode |
HOP 0288 |
HOP 0289 |
Fine Structure and Dynamics of Solar Filaments/Prominences |
HOP 0290 |
Coordinated observation with CLASP sounding rocket |
HOP 0291 |
Chromospheric jets around active regions with a coordinated observation between Hida Obs, Fuxian Solar Obs and Hinode |
HOP 0292 |
Multi-wavelength observations of small brightening events in the chromosphere-TR-corona and their magnetic properties |
HOP 0293 |
Coordinated UV/EUV/X-Ray observations of coronal jets |
HOP 0294 |
Interchange Reconnection and Flows from Coronal Hole Boundaries |
HOP 0295 |
Connection of families of granules to the formation of the chromospheric network |
HOP 0296 |
Observation of pre-flare activity with IRIS and EIS |
HOP 0297 |
Coordinated flare observations with the Jansky Very Large Array |
HOP 0298 |
Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 9 Mar 2016 |
HOP 0299 |
Coordinated Hinode/XRT, SOT, and Ground-Based Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016 |
HOP 0300 |
Coronal loop magnetic field determination and evolution through coronal rain tracing - coobservation between SST, Hinode, IRIS and Meudon |
HOP 0301 |
Coordinated Observations with the MinXSS Cubesat and SDO/EVE calibration rocket launch |
HOP 0302 |
Pore Study to Search for MHD Waves |
HOP 0303 |
Transit of Mercury (ToM) 2016 May 9 |
HOP 0304 |
Understanding Small-scale Energy Release Phenomena on the Sun |
HOP 0305 |
Magnetic and Dynamical Parameters of Active Region Filaments |
HOP 0306 |
Short-term Active Region Evolution |
HOP 0307 |
Long-term Active Region Evolution |
HOP 0308 |
Joint BBSO-IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study the evolution of Active Region Filaments |
HOP 0309 |
Mercury Transit: Full Disk XRT observations and central meridian pointing |
HOP 0310 |
GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS observations to study flares over a wide spectral range |
HOP 0311 |
3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS, Hinode and IRIS |
HOP 0312 |
Magnetic field in and around explosive granules |
HOP 0313 |
A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets |
HOP 0314 |
Coordinated Observation with Akatsuki |
HOP 0315 |
Flow and Magnetic Fields in the Vicinity of Active Region Filaments with GREGOR, VTT, DST, NST, and Hinode |
HOP 0316 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with COMP, EIS, and IRIS |
HOP 0317 |
Joint Observation with IRIS and BBSO/NST for Filament and Flare |
HOP 0318 |
Hi-C II Sounding Rocket Support |
HOP 0319 |
Moving magnetic features in the periphery of sunspots |
HOP 0320 |
Small-scale solar activities and their spectroscopic property |
HOP 0321 |
Observational Exploration of the Height Variation of Magnetic Fields and Chromospheric Dynamics In and Above Umbral Dots |
HOP 0322 |
Dark Filament and Photospheric Magnetic Field with coordinated observations between Hida Obs, Fuxian Solar Obs and Hinode |
HOP 0323 |
SST-IRIS-Hinode Campaign |
HOP 0324 |
Fine Structure and Dynamics of Solar Filaments/Prominences |
HOP 0325 |
Coordinated Observations with the MinXSS Cubesat for Cross Calibration and DEM Analysis |
HOP 0326 |
Constraining the temperature and heating mechanisms in the solar plage chromosphere |
HOP 0327 |
ALMA-Hinode-IRIS Cycle 4 observation: Energy evaluation of micro- and nano-flaring heating events in solar active regions |
HOP 0328 |
Support for ALMA Cycle 4/5 Observations (generic) |
HOP 0329 |
Microflares in the Chromosphere with ALMA (2016.1.00788.S) |
HOP 0330 |
ALMA observation of the dynamics of chromospheric heating |
HOP 0331 |
Flux cancellation and magnetic flux rope formation |
HOP 0332 |
Active region jet studies with Hinode and IRIS |
HOP 0333 |
Center-to-limb observations of the quiet Sun with ALMA |
HOP 0334 |
Joint observations of disk and off-disk structures between IRIS, HINODE, SUMER/SOHO and GBOs |
HOP 0335 |
Observation-Driven Modelling of Solar Phenomena |
HOP 0336 |
Cycle 25 Bright Points |
HOP 0337 |
Investigating the role of plasma processes on the stability of solar filaments |
HOP 0338 |
Diagnostics of Solar Photosphere to Chromosphere Coupling |
HOP 0339 |
Polar Plume Observations During the 2017 Aug 21 Total Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0340 |
XRT MegaMovie (XRT-MM) During the 2017 Aug 21 Total Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0341 |
Hinode-IRIS coordinated observations of MHD waves in plage regions at various places on the solar disk |
HOP 0342 |
Small-scale activities of magnetic loops in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0343 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb |
HOP 0344 |
IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans |
HOP 0345 |
Spinning Plasma in Long-Lived Coronal Cavities |
HOP 0346 |
Hinode and GREGOR coordinated observations of active region magnetic structures for investigating energy storage process with NLFFF modeling |
HOP 0347 |
Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops |
HOP 0348 |
Collaboration with NuSTAR: Hard X-rays across the solar cycle |
HOP 0349 |
XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum |
HOP 0350 |
Hi-C 2.1 Sounding Rocket Support |
HOP 0351 |
Coordinated Observations with X-ray spectrometer onboard the SDO/EVE calibration rocket launch |
HOP 0352 |
Polar jet hunting with ALMA |
HOP 0353 |
Study of the heating of the quiet chromosphere with ALMA |
HOP 0354 |
Probing the chromosphere of coronal holes and coronal hole boundaries. Support for ALMA observations |
HOP 0355 |
ALMA+IRIS+Hinode observations of thermal non-equilibrium and coronal rain |
HOP 0356 |
The temperature structure of the chromospheric network: coordination with ALMA cycle 5 observations |
HOP 0357 |
Joint observation of a quiescent filament with ALMA and IRIS |
HOP 0358 |
Magnetism in Spicules |
HOP 0359 |
Center-to-limb observations of the quiet Sun with ALMA |
HOP 0360 |
Coordinated Observation for the FOXSI-3 rocket experiment |
HOP 0361 |
Measuring high time cadence dynamics in an active region |
HOP 0362 |
The role of chromospheric jets for the heating of plages |
HOP 0363 |
High Resolution Multi-Wavelength Study of Solar Pores |
HOP 0364 |
Observing magnetic field by Hinode(SOT/SP) in plume and non-plume regions seen by IRIS and AIA |
HOP 0365 |
Coordinated Observations Between the EUNIS-2018 Sounding Rocket and EIS |
HOP 0366 |
Coordination with Parker Solar Probe |
HOP 0367 |
Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops |
HOP 0368 |
Coordinated observation with CLASP-2 sounding rocket |
HOP 0369 |
Solar jet studies with Hinode, IRIS and Parker Solar Probe |
HOP 0370 |
WHPI low latitude coronal holes observing campaign |
HOP 0371 |
Coupling between photospheric and chromospheric processes during the evolution of Active Regions |
HOP 0372 |
Characterization of Stokes Profiles at Magnetic Flux Cancellation Sites |
HOP 0373 |
Formation and destabilisation of filaments |
HOP 0374 |
Hinode Observations in Support of Airborne IR Eclipse Observations |
HOP 0375 |
Flare Ribbon and Current Sheet Instabilities During Solar Flares |
HOP 0376 |
Polar Plume Observations During the 2019 July 2 Total Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0377 |
Magnetic flux emergence during penumbra formation |
HOP 0378 |
Observations of spicule dynamics and prominence structures by Hida, IRIS, and Hinode |
HOP 0379 |
Assessing the Solar Open Magnetic Flux from the Surface Up |
HOP 0380 |
Coordinated Observation with the ESIS/MOSES III Sounding Rocket |
HOP 0381 |
Observations for inferring the plasma beta parameter in different Quiet Sun regions |
HOP 0382 |
Magnetic field intensification in the quiet Sun at high resolution |
HOP 0383 |
Coordination with SST and IRIS - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines |
HOP 0384 |
The role of vertical magnetic fields in active regions |
HOP 0385 |
On the link between outflows observed by BBSO/GST, IRIS, and Hinode/EIS and structures seen in coronagraphic images taken from BITSE |
HOP 0386 |
Coordination with DL-NIRSP First Light |
HOP 0387 |
Quantifying the evolution of magnetic flux prior to the onset of a solar eruption |
HOP 0388 |
Transit of Mercury (ToM) 2019 Nov 11 |
HOP 0389 |
Bring out One Astronomical Unit from the Mercury Transit on November 11, 2019 for Teaching Materials |
HOP 0390 |
Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using VLA |
HOP 0391 |
The X-ray Sun During the 2019 Dec 26 Annular Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0392 |
Solar wind release near coronal hole boundaries during the fourth Parker Solar Probe Perihelion |
HOP 0393 |
Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition |
HOP 0394 |
South Polar Coronal Hole Observations during the On-orbit Ecipse |
HOP 0395 |
DKIST/ViSP Science Verification Support |
HOP 0396 |
Collaboration with Chandarayan-2 X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM) |
HOP 0397 |
Hinode/SOT and PHI Solar Orbiter coordination for commissioning |
HOP 0398 |
Height tomography and temporal evolution of the velocity structure within and next to magnetic bright points |
HOP 0399 |
Support for Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI commissioning |
HOP 0400 |
The solar wind outflow in coronal holes |
HOP 0401 |
Coordination with SST and IRIS - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines |
HOP 0402 |
AR outflows dynamics with IRIS, SST and Hinode/EIS |
HOP 0403 |
Spacious Coronal Jet observation around Coronal Holes |
HOP 0404 |
On the link between outflows observed by BBSO/GST, IRIS, and Hinode/EIS |
HOP 0405 |
Interaction between inclined magnetic fields and convection |
HOP 0406 |
Joint IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study elemental abundance variation in the solar atmosphere |
HOP 0407 |
Solar Orbiter/SPICE STP122 observation support with IRIS/EIS |
HOP 0408 |
Joint IRIS-Hinode Observations of On-disk Quiet Sun or Coronal Hole Jets |
HOP 0409 |
Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere |
HOP 0410 |
Coordinated HSO Connect Observations of PSP Quiet-Sun Source Regions |
HOP 0411 |
Hinode (SOT/SP) and IRIS Observations of the Evolution of Sunspot Penumbrae |
HOP 0412 |
Synoptic SOT Latitudinal Scans (updated version of HOP79) |
HOP 0413 |
A coordinated observation of Hinode, Akatsuki, and BepiColombo for a heliospheric system investigation |
HOP 0414 |
Coronal magnetic field evolution in active regions |
HOP 0415 |
A holistic view on coronal holes - overview scans |
HOP 0416 |
A holistic view on coronal holes - temporal evolution |
HOP 0417 |
Observation of small-scale structures in coronal holes with Hinode/EIS, IRIS & GREGOR |
HOP 0418 |
Joint GREGOR - Solar Orbiter/STIX observations of solar flares |
HOP 0419 |
Coordination with SST to study flares over a wide spectral range |
HOP 0420 |
Study of MHD Waves in the Chromosphere Related to the Variation of Solar Abundances |
HOP 0421 |
Coordinated observation with the MaGIXS sounding rocket |
HOP 0422 |
Joint observations of the flare atmosphere |
HOP 0423 |
Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) co-observations |
HOP 0424 |
Coordinated observation with CLASP2.1 sounding rocket |
HOP 0425 |
Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI quadrature support |
HOP 0426 |
Coordination with SST, IRIS, and Solar Orbiter PHI - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines |
HOP 0427 |
Emergence, evolution, and structure of the network magnetic field: Photosphere, chromosphere, and transition region |
HOP 0428 |
Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI cross calibration |
HOP 0429 |
Joint SOLO-Hinode-IRIS EUV small brightening |
HOP 0430 |
Bright Points study with Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0431 |
Coronal He abundance and cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) |
HOP 0432 |
Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) co-observations around perihelion passage |
HOP 0433 |
Sources of slow wind and cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) |
HOP 0434 |
Coordinated Hinode-IRIS-Solar Orbiter observations on Slow Solar Wind Connection |
HOP 0435 |
Observations of a coronal hole during PSPs 11th encounter |
HOP 0436 |
AR long-term monitoring at high resolution with Hinode and Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0437 |
SUNRISE-III observation in 2022 |
HOP 0438 |
Jets at the base of Solar Coronal Plumes |
HOP 0439 |
Joint IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study elemental abundance variation in the solar atmosphere (revised) |
HOP 0440 |
Magnetic evolution inside coronal holes |
HOP 0441 |
Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using JVLA during Increasing Solar Activity |
HOP 0442 |
Solar Orbiter coordinated observations of long-term monitoring of an AR |
HOP 0443 |
Stereoscopic monitoring of active regions evolution in coordination with Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0444 |
Magnetic field structure of prominences solar tornadoes and spicules |
HOP 0445 |
Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb |
HOP 0446 |
Flare precursor event observations in coordination with Solar Orbiter and the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) |
HOP 0447 |
Flows and waves in and around active regions |
HOP 0448 |
Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat |
HOP 0449 |
Hot onset flare precursor event observations in coordination with STIX |
HOP 0450 |
EIS observations in support of total eclipse ground observations |
HOP 0451 |
Plasma composition evolution in active region leading and following polarities |
HOP 0452 |
[SOOPs: Eruption Watch; Composition Mosaic] Cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) |
HOP 0453 |
[SOOP: Composition Mosaic] EIS & SPICE Composition mosaics |
HOP 0454 |
[SOOP: Remote Sensing Burst] Dynamics of coronal loops related to footpoint motions |
HOP 0455 |
[SOOP: Slow Wind Connection] Release of the slow solar wind at active region or coronal hole boundaries |
HOP 0456 |
[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Search for Evidence of Nonthermal Proton Beams During Major Flare Watch |
HOP 0457 |
[SOOP: Nanoflares] New run of the IHOP 429 in conjunction with the Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0458 |
[SOOP: Remote Sensing Burst] PHI stereoscopy |
HOP 0459 |
[SOOP: Nanoflares] Flux replacement in the network |
HOP 0460 |
[SOOP: Earth at Quadrature] Prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0461 |
[SOOP: Polar Observations]. Observing both poles simultaneously with Solar Orbiter (SO) and Hinode from two different viewing angles |
HOP 0462 |
[SOOP: Boundary Expansion] Hinode/EIS support for Solar Orbiter during CH Boundary Expansion |
HOP 0463 |
Active region filaments form along the magnetic neutral line |
HOP 0464 |
Detection of the magnetic and velocity field oscillations in the chromosphere: Coordination with Hinode, IRIS, and GREGOR |
HOP 0465 |
Quantitative evaluations of magnetic-field measurements near the solar limb |
HOP 0466 |
Joint EIS, IRIS and XRT observations of a Dark Halo around an active region |
HOP 0467 |
STEREO/SECCHI High Telemetry Campaign: Active Region Observations |
HOP 0468 |
Emerging active regions and their multifaceted interactions with the magnetic environment |
HOP 0469 |
Small-scale chromospheric jets and their relevant wave phenomena |
HOP 0470 |
[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode |
HOP 0471 |
[SOOP: Atmospheric Dynamics Structure] Stereoscopic observation of a Sunspot with Solar Orbiter investigating waves and flows |
HOP 0472 |
[SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind |
HOP 0473 |
Wave propagation from the photosphere to the corona in relation to magnetic structures |
HOP 0474 |
[SOOP: none] High cadence AR with Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0475 |
[SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION (CC1_111) and (CC1_115)] Cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) |
HOP 0476 |
[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Flare Watch |
HOP 0477 |
[SOOP: Composition Mosaic] EIS & SPICE Composition mosaics (Updated) |
HOP 0478 |
[SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind |
HOP 0479 |
Polar Plume Observations During the 2024 April 8 Total Solar Eclipse |
HOP 0480 |
Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign |
HOP 0481 |
EIS Support for the 2024 ACES Eclipse Mission |
HOP 0482 |
[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition through the solar atmosphere layers |
HOP 0483 |
[SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION] Coordinated calibration with Solar Orbiter |
HOP 0484 |
SUNRISE-III observation in 2024 |
HOP 0485 |
High-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle |
HOP 0486 |
Coordinated observation with the MaGIXS 2 sounding rocket |
HOP 0487 |
Multi-line observations of small-scale dynamics in the photosphere and the chromosphere with BBSO/GST, Hinode, and IRIS |
HOP 0488 |
Comparison of Spectra of Solar Magnetic Active Phenomena in Multiple Chromospheric and in TR/Coronal Lines |
HOP 0489 |
[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Search for Evidence of Nonthermal Proton Beams During Major Flare Watch [mod] |
HOP 0490 |
[SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum |
HOP 0491 |
[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition at limb |
HOP 0492 |
[SOOP: burst SOOP] Solar Orbiter & DKIST coordinated observation |
HOP 0493 |
[SOOP: Fast-Wind] Sources of fast solar wind |
HOP 0494 |
[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode |
HOP 0495 |
Temporal evolution of the three-dimensional magnetic field structure of active regions with GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS |
HOP 0496 |
Comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS) Observing Campaign on 2024-Oct-28 |