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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP) list


HOP title

HOP 0071
was run 3 times

CORE: VTT-Hinode/SOT collaboration (Search of transient horizontal magnetic fields in the chromosphere)

HOP 0072
was run 1 time

Radiative structure of small magnetic elements: faculae, network and inter network in the quiet Sun

HOP 0073
was run 17 times

CORE Too: Quiescent Prominence Structure and Dynamics

HOP 0074
was run 1 time

Search for photospheric/chromospheric drivers of chromospheric penumbral micro-jets

HOP 0075
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observations between Hida Observatory & Hinode Satellite

HOP 0076
was run 2 times

Observation of an equatorial coronal hole

HOP 0077
was run 2 times

Support of SUMI rocket flight

HOP 0078
was run 0 time

Too: Study of OScillatory Magneto-Convection in Umbral Dots

HOP 0079
was run 216 times

CORE (HOP0046): Synoptic SOT Irradiance Scans (Updated by HOP 412)

HOP 0080
was run 6 times

Polar Coronal Hole Observation

HOP 0081
was run 306 times

CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle

HOP 0082
was run 4 times

Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas with SOHO and Hinode

HOP 0083
was run 1 time

Too: (HOP0044) Coronal hole plumes at solar minimum

HOP 0084
was run 1 time

X-Ray Jets in coronal holes

HOP 0085
was run 1 time

Polar Plumes

HOP 0086
was run 4 times

Connection between photospheric vortex flows and transition region and coronal heating

HOP 0087
was run 0 time

Too: Structure and dynamics of penumbral filaments

HOP 0088
was run 1 time

Physical mechanisms driving solar microflares and network dynamic fibrils; relevance for coronal heating and mass supply

HOP 0089
was run 1 time

Search of transient horizontal magnetic fields in the chromosphere: joint observing campaign with the NSO Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS)

HOP 0090
was run 2 times

Joint Study of XRT, CaIIK jets and Quiet Sun H-alpha Surges

HOP 0091
was run 3 times

CORE Quiet sun nanoflares

HOP 0092
was run 2 times

Vorticity of intergranular flows associated with strong G-band flux concentrations.

HOP 0093
was run 1 time

(HOP31) SUMER campaign-Coronal holes boundaries evolution

HOP 0094
was run 1 time

Driving mechanism(s) of small scale transient brightenings in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0095
was run 3 times

A statistical analysis of the Magnetic fields of the Network Bright Points (NBP) with the BFI and NFI at the boundaries of supergranules

HOP 0096
was run 0 time

CORE: Too: Characterizing Coronal Outflows in and Around Active Regions

HOP 0097
was run 1 time

CORE: Nanoflaring activities in the Quiet Sun

HOP 0098
was run 2 times

Multi-wavelength Observations of Oscillations in Polar Plumes

HOP 0099
was run 1 time

The Structure and Dynamics of Bright Points

HOP 0100
was run 1 time

CORE: Too: AR engineering test

HOP 0101
was run 47 times

Helioseismology Observations of the Sunfs polar regions with SOT

HOP 0102
was run 1 time

Too: Helioseismology Observations of Sunspots with SOT

HOP 0103
was run 2 times

Long duration sit and stare Coronal Hole Observations

HOP 0104
was run 1 time

Study of Coronal Hole Dynamics from EIS/Hinode and SUMER/SOHO

HOP 0105
was run 2 times

He II lines in quiescent prominences

HOP 0106
was run 2 times

Velocity fields at the base of polar coronal holes

HOP 0107
was run 2 times

Slow Solar Wind Sources

HOP 0108
was run 2 times

Dynamics of bright points in polar and equatorial regions

HOP 0109
was run 2 times

Prediction of the EUV Helium line intensities in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0110
was run 2 times

Full-range observations of solar wind origin in the coronal hole: from photosphere to corona

HOP 0111
was run 5 times

Filament and emerging flux, prominence and cavity

HOP 0112
was run 2 times

Spicule Seismology (QS)

HOP 0113
was run 0 time

Too: Spicule Seismology (AR)

HOP 0114
was run 1 time

Too: Coordinated Diagnostics of Coronal Cavities

HOP 0115
was run 1 time

Study of the photosphere dynamic at different heliographic latitudes by computing kinetic energy spectra of the horizontal velocity field

HOP 0116
was run 1 time

Joint Observations for HINODE with CORONAS-TESIS

HOP 0117
was run 1 time

Stokes polarimetry of photosphere and chromosphere. III (DST/IBIS)

HOP 0118
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observations with the SHAZAM Magnetograph

HOP 0119
was run 2 times

Magnetic flux emergence - Joint campaign with CRISP/SST

HOP 0120
was run 1 time

SUNRISE campaign

HOP 0121
was run 0 time

CORE: The Transition Corona

HOP 0122
was run 2 times

Complete Eclipse Movie for Public Outreach & Coronal Hole Temperature

HOP 0123
was run 0 time

Global coronal waves watch

HOP 0124
was run 1 time

Time-varying Doppler velocity diagnosis of X-ray Bright Points

HOP 0125
was run 0 time

Hinode support of solar eclipse ground-based observation (22-jul-09)

HOP 0126
was run 3 times

CORE: Chromospheric Jets

HOP 0127
was run 1 time

Post-Eclipse Four-Pointing Observation Sequence

HOP 0128
was run 6 times

CORE: Coordinated Observations between Hida Observatory & Hinode Satellite

HOP 0129
was run 0 time

CORE: ToO: Survey of Active Region Phenomena Associated with Micro-Type III Bursts

HOP 0130
was run 245 times

CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans

HOP 0131
was run 2 times

CORE: ToO: Helioseismology Observations of Coronal Hole with SOT

HOP 0132
was run 2 times

Activity of magnetic features in the solar atmosphere (emergence, shear, dispersion)

HOP 0133
was run 1 time

Joint observation with SST - I. fine structures in sunspot, II. type-II spicule-

HOP 0134
was run 1 time

Initial Cross-Calibration of SOT/SP and DST/FIRS Fe I 630 nm Polarimeter

HOP 0135
was run 1 time

CORE: H-alpha Wing Observations

HOP 0136
was run 1 time

CORE: Coordination with TESIS

HOP 0137
was run 1 time

CORE: Evolution of Network Boundary Elements: Possible Connections to the Corona

HOP 0138
was run 1 time

High spatial resolution scattering polarization observations in Ti I 5644A and Na ID2

HOP 0139
was run 2 times

CORE Too: Study on prominence formation and evolution by emerging flux

HOP 0140
was run 1 time

3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS and Hinode

HOP 0141
was run 2 times

Velocity flows in quiet sun magnetic loop footpoints

HOP 0142
was run 1 time

Center-to-limb observation to study the dynamics of magnetic-hydrodynamic waves between the photosphere and the corona with SOT and EIS

HOP 0143
was run 1 time

Super resolving analysis of photospheric layers using a di erential cross-correlation technique

HOP 0144
was run 1 time

Type II Spicules: A candidate for coupling between the chromosphere and corona?

HOP 0145
was run 0 time

EIS/XRT cross-calibration

HOP 0146
was run 18 times

Solar Wind Source Regions During Solar Minimum Conditions

HOP 0147
was run 3 times

Formation and Decay of Sunspot Penumbrae

HOP 0148
was run 1 time

High Frequency Oscillations in the Photosphere and Lower Chromosphere

HOP 0149
was run 1 time

CORE: Observation of Emerging Magnetic Flux near Disc Centre

HOP 0150
was run 0 time

CORE: Flows during a filament eruption

HOP 0151
was run 3 times

Flux replacement in the photospheric network and internetwork

HOP 0152
was run 1 time

Magnetoseismology of bright points

HOP 0153
was run 1 time


HOP 0154
was run 1 time

Coronal heating and connectivity between the transition region and coronal emission in active regions

HOP 0155
was run 1 time

Prediction of the EUV Helium line intensities in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0156
was run 1 time

Search for High frequency oscillations and diagnostics of coronal loops

HOP 0157
was run 0 time

HOP from ISSI group on Chromospheric Flares

HOP 0158
was run 1 time

EIS Multi-line Observations of Solar Flares and Active Regions

HOP 0159
was run 1 time

CORE: Chromosphere-Corona connection

HOP 0160
was run 0 time

ToO: Long-term evolution of AR from flux emergence through decay

HOP 0161
was run 1 time

Doppler shift oscillations of active region loops

HOP 0162
was run 0 time

The Solar Atmosphere from the Chromosphere to the Corona

HOP 0163
was run 0 time

CORE: Variations in Line Width Across kG Magnetic Field Patches in Coronal Holes

HOP 0164
was run 1 time

Hinode support for Total solar eclipse observations on 11th July, 2010

HOP 0165
was run 0 time

ToO: Tracking the outflows from the Sun into interplanetary space using Hinode EIS and Proba-2 SWAP

HOP 0166
was run 2 times

CORE: Vector Magnetic Field Structure Within and Below Active Region Filaments

HOP 0167
was run 1 time

Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network

HOP 0168
was run 1 time

CORE: Hinode's coordinated observation during the 2010 July 11 Total Solar Eclipse

HOP 0169
was run 1 time

Hunt for MHD waves: Magneto-seismology of pores and MBPs

HOP 0170
was run 2 times

Coordination wit the RAISE Sounding Rocket

HOP 0171
was run 2 times

Magnetic Field Structure of Active Region from Photosphere to Chromosphere

HOP 0172
was run 0 time

Long-term monitor of properties of transient horizontal magnetic fields

HOP 0173
was run 25 times

EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students

HOP 0174
was run 1 time

Ellerman Bombs and Emerging Flux Regions

HOP 0175
was run 1 time

Nature of propagating waves in polar coronal holes as seen with EIS and AIA

HOP 0176
was run 2 times

High Resolution Multi-Wavelength Study of Small-Scale Jets on Solar Disk

HOP 0177
was run 3 times

Magnetic structures within coronal holes

HOP 0178
was run 1 time

Investigation of Dynamics of pores at photosphere and chromospheres with Hinode and NST/FISS observations

HOP 0179
was run 1 time

Relationship between small-scale magnetic fields and convection

HOP 0180
was run 3 times

Dynamics and physical properties of large scale coronal waves ("EIT waves")

HOP 0181
was run 0 time

ToO: The role of solar convection in the formation of active regions

HOP 0182
was run 4 times

Comparison of the horizontal velocity fields measured on HINODE and SDO observations over the Sun surface

HOP 0183
was run 1 time

Long-term dynamics of prominences

HOP 0184
was run 1 time

Center-to-limb variation of G-band intensity power suppression at the sites of fine-scale features

HOP 0185
was run 1 time

Quiet Sun and active region magnetism. Coordinated observations with SST

HOP 0186
was run 2 times

Mass loading of quiescent prominences from multi-wavelength observations

HOP 0187
was run 2 times

Core: Joint Observation for Tracking X-ray Jets from the Solar Surface to Interplanetary Space

HOP 0188
was run 2 times

Joint Solar Flare Observations with ROSA and IBIS

HOP 0189
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with Akatsuki

HOP 0190
was run 1 time

Magnetic Field ToO: Topology and Dynamics of Moving Magnetic Features and Emerging Loops

HOP 0191
was run 2 times

Observations of the Chromosphere Coordinated with BBSO/NST

HOP 0192
was run 1 time

Joint Observations with SST

HOP 0193
was run 1 time

Line Shift vs. Temperature with Estimate of Absolute Velocity: Joint Observation with SUMER

HOP 0194
was run 1 time

A comparison of spectropolarimetric results: THEMIS, Hinode-SOT/SP and SDO/HMI.

HOP 0195
was run 1 time

CORE: ToO: Quiet Sun and facular regions properties. Coordinated observations with SST/DOT

HOP 0196
was run 2 times

Hinode-NST joint observations of intergranular jets

HOP 0197
was run 1 time

The Formation and Evolution of Filament Channels and their Filaments

HOP 0198
was run 1 time

Hinode-NST joint studies of magnetoc diffusion in Coronal Holes

HOP 0199
was run 1 time

Origin of penumbral fine structures and moving magnetic features observed with BBSO/NST and Hinode/SOT

HOP 0200
was run 3 times

Spicule observations with high cadence

HOP 0201
was run 1 time

CME Heating and Current Sheets

HOP 0202
was run 1 time

Driving Mechanism of Super-Sonic Flows in the Chromosphere around a Sunspot

HOP 0203
was run 3 times

Understanding the Driving Mechanisms and Properties of RBEs Using IBIS and Hinode

HOP 0204
was run 1 time

Tracking the outflows from the Sun into interplanetary space using Hinode EIS and Proba-2 SWAP

HOP 0205
was run 3 times

Line Shift vs. Temperature with Estimate of Absolute Velocity: Joint Observation with SUMER

HOP 0206
was run 286 times

Polar Panorama Map for understanding Polar Reversal in Cycle 24

HOP 0207
was run 1 time

Study of the Rela7onship between a CME and a Coronal (EIT) Wave

HOP 0208
was run 1 time

Energy exchange between the photosphere and corona

HOP 0209
was run 1 time

Observations of Transit of Venus (ToV) 2012 June 5-6

HOP 0210
was run 1 time

Acoustic events and magnetic elements in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0211
was run 0 time

Hot plasma on]and off]disk in non]flaring AR with Hinode and SUMER

HOP 0212
was run 1 time

Dynamic events in the chromosphere of the Quiet Sun: RBEfs and Swirls

HOP 0213
was run 1 time

Emerging flux regions and solar filaments

HOP 0214
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observations Between the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) Sounding Rocket and EIS

HOP 0215
was run 1 time

Spicules: Current Sheets or flux tubes?

HOP 0216
was run 1 time

HI-C 36.272 support

HOP 0217
was run 2 times

Determination of the properties of families of solar granules and formation of the photospheric network

HOP 0218
was run 1 time

Transit of Venus as Seen from Jupiter (JToV), 2012 September 20

HOP 0219
was run 1 time

Sac Peak Prominence Observing Campaign

HOP 0220
was run 0 time

Flows Near Active Region Neutral Lines

HOP 0221
was run 2 times

Co-ordinated Observations with FOXSI: a Rocket-launched Hard X-ray telescope -

HOP 0222
was run 1 time

Chromospheric Solar Flares. Joint Observations with VTT/Gregor

HOP 0223
was run 0 time

The origin of high speed mass flows in solar polar regions

HOP 0224
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 13 November 2012

HOP 0225
was run 1 time

Transit of Venus as Seen from Saturn (SToV), 2012 December 21.

HOP 0226
was run 0 time

Diagnostics of Non-Maxwellian electron distributions in the solar corona

HOP 0227
was run 0 time

On-Disk Observations of Jet Features

HOP 0228
was run 2 times

EUV/Xray jets from coronal holes and active regions and the origin of the solar wind

HOP 0229
was run 1 time

Evolutionary behaviors of small magnetic elements in an active region remnant rushing to the south pole

HOP 0230
was run 2 times

SOT Observation of Mercury at Superior Conjunction

HOP 0231
was run 1 time

Sunrise 2013 Co-Observations

HOP 0232
was run 0 time

On-Disk Coronal Hole Jet Observations

HOP 0233
was run 1 time

A Detailed Magnetic and Thermal Study of an Active Region

HOP 0234
was run 1 time

The interaction between the coronal magnetic field and coronal rain through MHD waves

HOP 0235
was run 1 time

VERIS Sounding Rocket Launch Campaign

HOP 0236
was run 1 time

SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign

HOP 0237
was run 3 times

Spectroscopic study of gmagnetic tornadoes"

HOP 0238
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 3 November 2013

HOP 0239
was run 1 time

Super resolving analysis of photospheric layers using adifferential cross-correlation technique

HOP 0240
was run 22 times

Temporal Evolution and Magnetic Polarity Reversal of the Sun's Polar Magnetic Patches

HOP 0241
was run 0 time

CO: Coordinated Observations Between EIS and IRIS

HOP 0242
was run 1 time

Hinode observations for Comet ISON

HOP 0243
was run 0 time

Effects of Quiet Sun Weak Fields on the Chromosphere and Transition Region

HOP 0244
was run 0 time

Joint IRIS/Hinode observations of post-eruption supra-arcade plasma

HOP 0245
was run 0 time

Joint IRIS/Hinode observations of small flares and micro-flares

HOP 0246
was run 0 time

Hot plasma properties in Active Regions

HOP 0247
was run 0 time

Hot plage/AR moss

HOP 0248
was run 0 time

Coronal rain diagnostics - thermal evolution, fine structure & MHD seismology

HOP 0249
was run 0 time

Spicule Evolution

HOP 0250
was run 0 time

High speed flows associated with chromospheric transients in and around a sunspot

HOP 0251
was run 1 time

Spectropolarimetry of flares

HOP 0252
was run 1 time

Transition Region Explosive Events

HOP 0253
was run 3 times

Active Region Expansion

HOP 0254
was run 1 time

Prominence dynamics

HOP 0255
was run 6 times

Magnetic field structure of the prominences, solar tornadoes and spicules

HOP 0256
was run 0 time

A study on the plasma properties of EIT waves from multi-wavelength observations

HOP 0257
was run 2 times

SST-IRIS-Hinode campaign

HOP 0258
was run 1 time

Spectro-polarimetric observation of a sunspot: Coordination with GREGOR GRIS

HOP 0259
was run 1 time

Detection of solar oscillations in sunspot (or plage) regions

HOP 0260
was run 1 time

Understanding the Formation, Heating, and Initiation of Magnetic Flux Rope

HOP 0261
was run 1 time

Formation and oscillation of active region filaments

HOP 0262
was run 1 time

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in coronal loops

HOP 0263
was run 1 time

Joint Flare Observations in Support of DST Service Mode Operations with ROSA, IBIS and FIRS

HOP 0264
was run 1 time

Magnetic Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Prominence-Cavity Systems

HOP 0265
was run 1 time

Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with Comp-S

HOP 0266
was run 1 time

Small-scale reconnection in coronal hole plumes

HOP 0267
was run 2 times

The footpoints of sunspot plumes and fan loops

HOP 0268
was run 3 times

Transition region and coronal response to MMFs

HOP 0269
was run 5 times

Prominence-Coronal Cavity Systems: Cyclic Mass Transport and Magnetic Flux Emergence

HOP 0270
was run 1 time

Generation and heating of Network Jets

HOP 0271
was run 0 time

High cadence study of sunspot light bridgesf activity

HOP 0272
was run 1 time

Observation to Identify MHD Waves

HOP 0273
was run 1 time

Hinode Support for NRL VAULT Rocket Launch

HOP 0274
was run 1 time

Multi-wavelength observations to study the energy propagation of waves and flares from the photosphere to corona

HOP 0275
was run 2 times

Chromospheric dynamics in active region with a coordinated observation between Hida, Hinode and IRIS

HOP 0276
was run 2 times

Joint Observations of ALMA, Hinode and IRIS for the scientific verification of ALMA data

HOP 0277
was run 1 time

Imaging Spectropolarimetry in He I 1083.0 nm at the DST

HOP 0278
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations ofthe total solar eclipse of 20 Mar 2015

HOP 0279
was run 2 times

Long Duration Coronal Hole Observation

HOP 0280
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode/XRT, SOT and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 20 March 2015

HOP 0281
was run 0 time

Coordinated quiet-Sun nanoflare investigations with NuSTAR

HOP 0282
was run 0 time

Coordinated active region DEM investigations with NuSTAR

HOP 0283
was run 0 time

Coordinated observations with NuSTAR of high coronal sources

HOP 0284
was run 2 times

IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans

HOP 0285
was run 1 time

Multi-height helioseismology of quiet-Sun and active regions. Coordinated observations with VTT

HOP 0286
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode, IRIS and NST observations of type II spicules

HOP 0287
was run 1 time

Active Region Filaments - Observing Shear Flows and the Evolution of Magnetic Shear along Magnetic Neutral Lines with GREGOR, VTT, and Hinode

HOP 0288
was run 1 time


HOP 0289
was run 1 time

Fine Structure and Dynamics of Solar Filaments/Prominences

HOP 0290
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with CLASP sounding rocket

HOP 0291
was run 1 time

Chromospheric jets around active regions with a coordinated observation between Hida Obs, Fuxian Solar Obs and Hinode

HOP 0292
was run 1 time

Multi-wavelength observations of small brightening events in the chromosphere-TR-corona and their magnetic properties

HOP 0293
was run 1 time

Coordinated UV/EUV/X-Ray observations of coronal jets

HOP 0294
was run 1 time

Interchange Reconnection and Flows from Coronal Hole Boundaries

HOP 0295
was run 1 time

Connection of families of granules to the formation of the chromospheric network

HOP 0296
was run 0 time

Observation of pre-flare activity with IRIS and EIS

HOP 0297
was run 4 times

Coordinated flare observations with the Jansky Very Large Array

HOP 0298
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode/EIS and ground based observations of the total solar eclipse of 9 Mar 2016

HOP 0299
was run 1 time

Coordinated Hinode/XRT, SOT, and Ground-Based Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016

HOP 0300
was run 2 times

Coronal loop magnetic field determination and evolution through coronal rain tracing - coobservation between SST, Hinode, IRIS and Meudon

HOP 0301
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observations with the MinXSS Cubesat and SDO/EVE calibration rocket launch

HOP 0302
was run 2 times

Pore Study to Search for MHD Waves

HOP 0303
was run 1 time

Transit of Mercury (ToM) 2016 May 9

HOP 0304
was run 2 times

Understanding Small-scale Energy Release Phenomena on the Sun

HOP 0305
was run 1 time

Magnetic and Dynamical Parameters of Active Region Filaments

HOP 0306
was run 2 times

Short-term Active Region Evolution

HOP 0307
was run 7 times

Long-term Active Region Evolution

HOP 0308
was run 1 time

Joint BBSO-IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study the evolution of Active Region Filaments

HOP 0309
was run 1 time

Mercury Transit: Full Disk XRT observations and central meridian pointing

HOP 0310
was run 1 time

GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS observations to study flares over a wide spectral range

HOP 0311
was run 4 times

3D structures of magnetic field at magnetic flux cancellation sites with IBIS, Hinode and IRIS

HOP 0312
was run 17 times

Magnetic field in and around explosive granules

HOP 0313
was run 1 time

A Search Chromospheric Manifestation of Ubiquitous Photospheric Jets

HOP 0314
was run 2 times

Coordinated Observation with Akatsuki

HOP 0315
was run 1 time

Flow and Magnetic Fields in the Vicinity of Active Region Filaments with GREGOR, VTT, DST, NST, and Hinode

HOP 0316
was run 0 time

Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with COMP, EIS, and IRIS

HOP 0317
was run 1 time

Joint Observation with IRIS and BBSO/NST for Filament and Flare

HOP 0318
was run 1 time

Hi-C II Sounding Rocket Support

HOP 0319
was run 1 time

Moving magnetic features in the periphery of sunspots

HOP 0320
was run 2 times

Small-scale solar activities and their spectroscopic property

HOP 0321
was run 4 times

Observational Exploration of the Height Variation of Magnetic Fields and Chromospheric Dynamics In and Above Umbral Dots

HOP 0322
was run 1 time

Dark Filament and Photospheric Magnetic Field with coordinated observations between Hida Obs, Fuxian Solar Obs and Hinode

HOP 0323
was run 2 times

SST-IRIS-Hinode Campaign

HOP 0324
was run 1 time

Fine Structure and Dynamics of Solar Filaments/Prominences

HOP 0325
was run 2 times

Coordinated Observations with the MinXSS Cubesat for Cross Calibration and DEM Analysis

HOP 0326
was run 1 time

Constraining the temperature and heating mechanisms in the solar plage chromosphere

HOP 0327
was run 1 time

ALMA-Hinode-IRIS Cycle 4 observation: Energy evaluation of micro- and nano-flaring heating events in solar active regions

HOP 0328
was run 22 times

Support for ALMA Cycle 4/5 Observations (generic)

HOP 0329
was run 5 times

Microflares in the Chromosphere with ALMA (2016.1.00788.S)

HOP 0330
was run 0 time

ALMA observation of the dynamics of chromospheric heating

HOP 0331
was run 1 time

Flux cancellation and magnetic flux rope formation

HOP 0332
was run 1 time

Active region jet studies with Hinode and IRIS

HOP 0333
was run 1 time

Center-to-limb observations of the quiet Sun with ALMA

HOP 0334
was run 1 time

Joint observations of disk and off-disk structures between IRIS, HINODE, SUMER/SOHO and GBOs

HOP 0335
was run 5 times

Observation-Driven Modelling of Solar Phenomena

HOP 0336
was run 271 times

Cycle 25 Bright Points

HOP 0337
was run 1 time

Investigating the role of plasma processes on the stability of solar filaments

HOP 0338
was run 1 time

Diagnostics of Solar Photosphere to Chromosphere Coupling

HOP 0339
was run 1 time

Polar Plume Observations During the 2017 Aug 21 Total Solar Eclipse

HOP 0340
was run 1 time

XRT MegaMovie (XRT-MM) During the 2017 Aug 21 Total Solar Eclipse

HOP 0341
was run 3 times

Hinode-IRIS coordinated observations of MHD waves in plage regions at various places on the solar disk

HOP 0342
was run 1 time

Small-scale activities of magnetic loops in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0343
was run 1 time

Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb

HOP 0344
was run 15 times

IHOP propsal for EIS/IRIS Full-Disk Spectral Scans

HOP 0345
was run 0 time

Spinning Plasma in Long-Lived Coronal Cavities

HOP 0346
was run 1 time

Hinode and GREGOR coordinated observations of active region magnetic structures for investigating energy storage process with NLFFF modeling

HOP 0347
was run 1 time

Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops

HOP 0348
was run 1 time

Collaboration with NuSTAR: Hard X-rays across the solar cycle

HOP 0349
was run 278 times

XRT full-sun image campaign toward solar minimum

HOP 0350
was run 1 time

Hi-C 2.1 Sounding Rocket Support

HOP 0351
was run 2 times

Coordinated Observations with X-ray spectrometer onboard the SDO/EVE calibration rocket launch

HOP 0352
was run 2 times

Polar jet hunting with ALMA

HOP 0353
was run 1 time

Study of the heating of the quiet chromosphere with ALMA

HOP 0354
was run 1 time

Probing the chromosphere of coronal holes and coronal hole boundaries. Support for ALMA observations

HOP 0355
was run 3 times

ALMA+IRIS+Hinode observations of thermal non-equilibrium and coronal rain

HOP 0356
was run 2 times

The temperature structure of the chromospheric network: coordination with ALMA cycle 5 observations

HOP 0357
was run 2 times

Joint observation of a quiescent filament with ALMA and IRIS

HOP 0358
was run 1 time

Magnetism in Spicules

HOP 0359
was run 0 time

Center-to-limb observations of the quiet Sun with ALMA

HOP 0360
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observation for the FOXSI-3 rocket experiment

HOP 0361
was run 2 times

Measuring high time cadence dynamics in an active region

HOP 0362
was run 8 times

The role of chromospheric jets for the heating of plages

HOP 0363
was run 1 time

High Resolution Multi-Wavelength Study of Solar Pores

HOP 0364
was run 3 times

Observing magnetic field by Hinode(SOT/SP) in plume and non-plume regions seen by IRIS and AIA

HOP 0365
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observations Between the EUNIS-2018 Sounding Rocket and EIS

HOP 0366
was run 6 times

Coordination with Parker Solar Probe

HOP 0367
was run 0 time

Long period pulsations of plasma velocity and density in loops

HOP 0368
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with CLASP-2 sounding rocket

HOP 0369
was run 2 times

Solar jet studies with Hinode, IRIS and Parker Solar Probe

HOP 0370
was run 2 times

WHPI low latitude coronal holes observing campaign

HOP 0371
was run 1 time

Coupling between photospheric and chromospheric processes during the evolution of Active Regions

HOP 0372
was run 1 time

Characterization of Stokes Profiles at Magnetic Flux Cancellation Sites

HOP 0373
was run 1 time

Formation and destabilisation of filaments

HOP 0374
was run 1 time

Hinode Observations in Support of Airborne IR Eclipse Observations

HOP 0375
was run 1 time

Flare Ribbon and Current Sheet Instabilities During Solar Flares

HOP 0376
was run 1 time

Polar Plume Observations During the 2019 July 2 Total Solar Eclipse

HOP 0377
was run 1 time

Magnetic flux emergence during penumbra formation

HOP 0378
was run 2 times

Observations of spicule dynamics and prominence structures by Hida, IRIS, and Hinode

HOP 0379
was run 1 time

Assessing the Solar Open Magnetic Flux from the Surface Up

HOP 0380
was run 1 time

Coordinated Observation with the ESIS/MOSES III Sounding Rocket

HOP 0381
was run 1 time

Observations for inferring the plasma beta parameter in different Quiet Sun regions

HOP 0382
was run 1 time

Magnetic field intensification in the quiet Sun at high resolution

HOP 0383
was run 2 times

Coordination with SST and IRIS - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines

HOP 0384
was run 1 time

The role of vertical magnetic fields in active regions

HOP 0385
was run 3 times

On the link between outflows observed by BBSO/GST, IRIS, and Hinode/EIS and structures seen in coronagraphic images taken from BITSE

HOP 0386
was run 1 time

Coordination with DL-NIRSP First Light

HOP 0387
was run 1 time

Quantifying the evolution of magnetic flux prior to the onset of a solar eruption

HOP 0388
was run 1 time

Transit of Mercury (ToM) 2019 Nov 11

HOP 0389
was run 1 time

Bring out One Astronomical Unit from the Mercury Transit on November 11, 2019 for Teaching Materials

HOP 0390
was run 2 times

Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using VLA

HOP 0391
was run 1 time

The X-ray Sun During the 2019 Dec 26 Annular Solar Eclipse

HOP 0392
was run 1 time

Solar wind release near coronal hole boundaries during the fourth Parker Solar Probe Perihelion

HOP 0393
was run 259 times

Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition

HOP 0394
was run 8 times

South Polar Coronal Hole Observations during the On-orbit Ecipse

HOP 0395
was run 2 times

DKIST/ViSP Science Verification Support

HOP 0396
was run 14 times

Collaboration with Chandarayan-2 X-ray Solar Monitor (XSM)

HOP 0397
was run 4 times

Hinode/SOT and PHI Solar Orbiter coordination for commissioning

HOP 0398
was run 3 times

Height tomography and temporal evolution of the velocity structure within and next to magnetic bright points

HOP 0399
was run 5 times

Support for Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI commissioning

HOP 0400
was run 2 times

The solar wind outflow in coronal holes

HOP 0401
was run 3 times

Coordination with SST and IRIS - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines

HOP 0402
was run 4 times

AR outflows dynamics with IRIS, SST and Hinode/EIS

HOP 0403
was run 1 time

Spacious Coronal Jet observation around Coronal Holes

HOP 0404
was run 1 time

On the link between outflows observed by BBSO/GST, IRIS, and Hinode/EIS

HOP 0405
was run 2 times

Interaction between inclined magnetic fields and convection

HOP 0406
was run 1 time

Joint IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study elemental abundance variation in the solar atmosphere

HOP 0407
was run 3 times

Solar Orbiter/SPICE STP122 observation support with IRIS/EIS

HOP 0408
was run 6 times

Joint IRIS-Hinode Observations of On-disk Quiet Sun or Coronal Hole Jets

HOP 0409
was run 15 times

Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere

HOP 0410
was run 6 times

Coordinated HSO Connect Observations of PSP Quiet-Sun Source Regions

HOP 0411
was run 1 time

Hinode (SOT/SP) and IRIS Observations of the Evolution of Sunspot Penumbrae

HOP 0412
was run 47 times

Synoptic SOT Latitudinal Scans (updated version of HOP79)

HOP 0413
was run 6 times

A coordinated observation of Hinode, Akatsuki, and BepiColombo for a heliospheric system investigation

HOP 0414
was run 1 time

Coronal magnetic field evolution in active regions

HOP 0415
was run 1 time

A holistic view on coronal holes - overview scans

HOP 0416
was run 1 time

A holistic view on coronal holes - temporal evolution

HOP 0417
was run 3 times

Observation of small-scale structures in coronal holes with Hinode/EIS, IRIS & GREGOR

HOP 0418
was run 1 time

Joint GREGOR - Solar Orbiter/STIX observations of solar flares

HOP 0419
was run 2 times

Coordination with SST to study flares over a wide spectral range

HOP 0420
was run 7 times

Study of MHD Waves in the Chromosphere Related to the Variation of Solar Abundances

HOP 0421
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with the MaGIXS sounding rocket

HOP 0422
was run 4 times

Joint observations of the flare atmosphere

HOP 0423
was run 2 times

Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) co-observations

HOP 0424
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with CLASP2.1 sounding rocket

HOP 0425
was run 1 time

Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI quadrature support

HOP 0426
was run 1 time

Coordination with SST, IRIS, and Solar Orbiter PHI - Dynamics of flux cancellation in neutral lines

HOP 0427
was run 2 times

Emergence, evolution, and structure of the network magnetic field: Photosphere, chromosphere, and transition region

HOP 0428
was run 1 time

Solar Orbiter SPICE and EUI cross calibration

HOP 0429
was run 2 times

Joint SOLO-Hinode-IRIS EUV small brightening

HOP 0430
was run 1 time

Bright Points study with Solar Orbiter

HOP 0431
was run 1 time

Coronal He abundance and cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI)

HOP 0432
was run 1 time

Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI) co-observations around perihelion passage

HOP 0433
was run 1 time

Sources of slow wind and cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI)

HOP 0434
was run 2 times

Coordinated Hinode-IRIS-Solar Orbiter observations on Slow Solar Wind Connection

HOP 0435
was run 1 time

Observations of a coronal hole during PSPs 11th encounter

HOP 0436
was run 1 time

AR long-term monitoring at high resolution with Hinode and Solar Orbiter

HOP 0437
was run 1 time

SUNRISE-III observation in 2022

HOP 0438
was run 1 time

Jets at the base of Solar Coronal Plumes

HOP 0439
was run 1 time

Joint IRIS-Hinode Observing Plan to study elemental abundance variation in the solar atmosphere (revised)

HOP 0440
was run 2 times

Magnetic evolution inside coronal holes

HOP 0441
was run 1 time

Understanding the Correlation between Solar Abundances and F10.7 Radio Emission using JVLA during Increasing Solar Activity

HOP 0442
was run 2 times

Solar Orbiter coordinated observations of long-term monitoring of an AR

HOP 0443
was run 1 time

Stereoscopic monitoring of active regions evolution in coordination with Solar Orbiter

HOP 0444
was run 3 times

Magnetic field structure of prominences solar tornadoes and spicules

HOP 0445
was run 3 times

Searching for Non-Maxwellian Distributions with EIS and IRIS (without COMP): Coordinated observations of Fe XII off-limb

HOP 0446
was run 1 time

Flare precursor event observations in coordination with Solar Orbiter and the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST)

HOP 0447
was run 2 times

Flows and waves in and around active regions

HOP 0448
was run 2 times

Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat

HOP 0449
was run 1 time

Hot onset flare precursor event observations in coordination with STIX

HOP 0450
was run 1 time

EIS observations in support of total eclipse ground observations

HOP 0451
was run 3 times

Plasma composition evolution in active region leading and following polarities

HOP 0452
was run 1 time

[SOOPs: Eruption Watch; Composition Mosaic] Cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI)

HOP 0453
was run 2 times

[SOOP: Composition Mosaic] EIS & SPICE Composition mosaics

HOP 0454
was run 2 times

[SOOP: Remote Sensing Burst] Dynamics of coronal loops related to footpoint motions

HOP 0455
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Slow Wind Connection] Release of the slow solar wind at active region or coronal hole boundaries

HOP 0456
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Search for Evidence of Nonthermal Proton Beams During Major Flare Watch

HOP 0457
was run 3 times

[SOOP: Nanoflares] New run of the IHOP 429 in conjunction with the Solar Orbiter

HOP 0458
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Remote Sensing Burst] PHI stereoscopy

HOP 0459
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Nanoflares] Flux replacement in the network

HOP 0460
was run 4 times

[SOOP: Earth at Quadrature] Prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter

HOP 0461
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Polar Observations]. Observing both poles simultaneously with Solar Orbiter (SO) and Hinode from two different viewing angles

HOP 0462
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Boundary Expansion] Hinode/EIS support for Solar Orbiter during CH Boundary Expansion

HOP 0463
was run 3 times

Active region filaments form along the magnetic neutral line

HOP 0464
was run 1 time

Detection of the magnetic and velocity field oscillations in the chromosphere: Coordination with Hinode, IRIS, and GREGOR

HOP 0465
was run 1 time

Quantitative evaluations of magnetic-field measurements near the solar limb

HOP 0466
was run 2 times

Joint EIS, IRIS and XRT observations of a Dark Halo around an active region

HOP 0467
was run 1 time

STEREO/SECCHI High Telemetry Campaign: Active Region Observations

HOP 0468
was run 1 time

Emerging active regions and their multifaceted interactions with the magnetic environment

HOP 0469
was run 1 time

Small-scale chromospheric jets and their relevant wave phenomena

HOP 0470
was run 2 times

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode

HOP 0471
was run 2 times

[SOOP: Atmospheric Dynamics Structure] Stereoscopic observation of a Sunspot with Solar Orbiter investigating waves and flows

HOP 0472
was run 2 times

[SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind

HOP 0473
was run 2 times

Wave propagation from the photosphere to the corona in relation to magnetic structures

HOP 0474
was run 1 time

[SOOP: none] High cadence AR with Solar Orbiter

HOP 0475
was run 1 time

[SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION (CC1_111) and (CC1_115)] Cross-calibration of the Solar Orbiter Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (SO/PHI)

HOP 0476
was run 3 times

[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Flare Watch

HOP 0477
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Composition Mosaic] EIS & SPICE Composition mosaics (Updated)

HOP 0478
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind

HOP 0479
was run 1 time

Polar Plume Observations During the 2024 April 8 Total Solar Eclipse

HOP 0480
was run 1 time

Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign

HOP 0481
was run 1 time

EIS Support for the 2024 ACES Eclipse Mission

HOP 0482
was run 1 time

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition through the solar atmosphere layers

HOP 0483
was run 1 time

[SOOP: COORD_CALIBRATION] Coordinated calibration with Solar Orbiter

HOP 0484
was run 1 time

SUNRISE-III observation in 2024

HOP 0485
was run 15 times

High-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle

HOP 0486
was run 1 time

Coordinated observation with the MaGIXS 2 sounding rocket

HOP 0487
was run 1 time

Multi-line observations of small-scale dynamics in the photosphere and the chromosphere with BBSO/GST, Hinode, and IRIS

HOP 0488
was run 1 time

Comparison of Spectra of Solar Magnetic Active Phenomena in Multiple Chromospheric and in TR/Coronal Lines

HOP 0489
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Search for Evidence of Nonthermal Proton Beams During Major Flare Watch [mod]

HOP 0490
was run 1 time

[SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum

HOP 0491
was run 1 time

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition at limb

HOP 0492
was run 1 time

[SOOP: burst SOOP] Solar Orbiter & DKIST coordinated observation

HOP 0493
was run 1 time

[SOOP: Fast-Wind] Sources of fast solar wind

HOP 0494
was run 1 time

[SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode

HOP 0495
was run 1 time

Temporal evolution of the three-dimensional magnetic field structure of active regions with GREGOR-Hinode-IRIS

HOP 0496
was run 1 time

Comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS) Observing Campaign on 2024-Oct-28

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