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Monthly Events in 2024/10

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40 (2024/09/30 - 2024/10/06)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/10/05-2024/10/05)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0460 - [SOOP: Earth at Quadrature] Prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter (2024/09/30-2024/10/02)

HOP 0472 - [SOOP: Fast Wind] Sources of fast solar wind (2024/10/02-2024/10/02)

HOP 0490 - [SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum (2024/10/02-2024/10/15)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/09/29-2024/10/01)

41 (2024/10/07 - 2024/10/13)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/10/07-2024/10/07)

HOP 0081 - CORE (HOP0002) Polar Monitoring Campaign during the Solar Cycle (2024/10/09-2024/10/09)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/10/12-2024/10/12)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0490 - [SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum (2024/10/02-2024/10/15)

42 (2024/10/14 - 2024/10/20)

HOP 0130 - CORE: Multi-temperature Full Disk Slot Scans (2024/10/15-2024/10/15)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/10/19-2024/10/19)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0489 - [SOOP: Major Flare Watch] Search for Evidence of Nonthermal Proton Beams During Major Flare Watch [mod] (2024/10/15-2024/10/15)

HOP 0490 - [SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum (2024/10/02-2024/10/15)

HOP 0492 - [SOOP: burst SOOP] Solar Orbiter & DKIST coordinated observation (2024/10/19-2024/10/19)

HOP 0493 - [SOOP: Fast-Wind] Sources of fast solar wind (2024/10/17-2024/10/21)

HOP 0494 - [SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_MCAD_Polar-Observations] Highest latitude Solar Orbiter polar observations coordinated with Hinode (2024/10/17-2024/10/18)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/10/20-2024/10/22)

43 (2024/10/21 - 2024/10/27)

HOP 0393 - Cycle 24/25 equatorial transition (2024/10/26-2024/10/26)

HOP 0412 - Synoptic SOT Latitudinal Scans (updated version of HOP79) (2024/10/21-2024/10/21)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

HOP 0485 - High-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle (2024/10/22-2024/10/22)

HOP 0485 - High-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle (2024/10/24-2024/10/24)

HOP 0491 - [SOOP: R_SMALL_HRES_LCAD_Composition-vs-Height] Tracking the composition at limb (2024/10/24-2024/10/25)

HOP 0493 - [SOOP: Fast-Wind] Sources of fast solar wind (2024/10/17-2024/10/21)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/10/20-2024/10/22)

44 (2024/10/28 - 2024/11/03)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

45 (2024/11/04 - 2024/11/10)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/11/10-2024/11/12)

46 (2024/11/11 - 2024/11/17)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/11/10-2024/11/12)

47 (2024/11/18 - 2024/11/24)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

48 (2024/11/25 - 2024/12/01)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/12/01-2024/12/03)

49 (2024/12/02 - 2024/12/08)

HOP 0448 - Soft X-ray spectral variability during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 25 and cross-calibration between Hinode XRT and DAXSS Smallsat (2022/11/01-2026/12/31)

remarks - XRT Bake Out - scheduled (2024/12/01-2024/12/03)

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