This HOP uses the same program and pointing scheme as the north-south component of HOP79:
+ Perform a series of 20 scans spanning the central meridian on a monthly basis, avoiding SSA intervals + 30" normal maps at each pointing using SOT-SP program 0x008a + Duration: about 12 hours (longer during eclipse season)
The list of pointings for this HOP can be determined using the following SSWIDL commands, once the orbital events file is available:
get_pnt_times_hop412,'21-feb-2023', lon=0, ts_win='21-feb-2023 13:00', /bfi, dt_dwell_min=23, /no_plot (note: pointing interval 23 min)
Then, you will get the list of pointings in a specific format as follows:
POINTING: 2023/02/21 13:06:00.000 | -21 | -984 | HOP412 01/20 2023/02/21 13:29:00.000 | -21 | -884 | HOP412 02/20 2023/02/21 13:52:00.000 | -21 | -784 | HOP412 03/20 2023/02/21 14:15:00.000 | -21 | -684 | HOP412 04/20 2023/02/21 14:38:00.000 | -21 | -584 | HOP412 05/20 2023/02/21 15:01:00.000 | -21 | -484 | HOP412 06/20 2023/02/21 15:24:00.000 | -21 | -384 | HOP412 07/20 2023/02/21 16:08:30.000 | -21 | -284 | HOP412 08/20 2023/02/21 16:31:30.000 | -21 | -184 | HOP412 09/20 2023/02/21 16:54:30.000 | -21 | -84 | HOP412 10/20 2023/02/21 17:55:00.000 | -21 | 6 | HOP412 11/20 2023/02/21 18:18:00.000 | -21 | 106 | HOP412 12/20 2023/02/21 18:41:00.000 | -21 | 206 | HOP412 13/20 2023/02/21 19:32:00.000 | -21 | 306 | HOP412 14/20 2023/02/21 19:55:00.000 | -21 | 406 | HOP412 15/20 2023/02/21 20:18:00.000 | -21 | 506 | HOP412 16/20 2023/02/21 21:08:30.000 | -21 | 606 | HOP412 17/20 2023/02/21 21:31:30.000 | -21 | 706 | HOP412 18/20 2023/02/21 21:54:30.000 | -21 | 806 | HOP412 19/20 2023/02/21 22:45:30.000 | -21 | 906 | HOP412 20/20 2023/02/21 23:08:30.000 | 0 | 0 | End of HOP412 EOP
Send the list to CP through the chat system of Zoom in daily meetings (early and latter in twice; up to 1024 characters in one shot). CP will include it into the Daily Event Page, and the Pointing Tool will grab the pointing information in the timeline semi-automatically.
request to XRT + Al/poly sub-field readout at each pointing position. If Active Regions are on the disk, XRT observations are not required.
request to EIS HOP79 was originally intended for long term variation of solar irradiance measurement and provides an ideal framework for studying center-to-limb variation of Doppler shift. Net Doppler shifts reported in previous papers indicate that transition region emissions (105K) are red-shifted up to +10 km s-1 while coronal emissions (106 K) are slightly blueshifted or almost at rest. EIS will allow precise measurement of coronal emissions. This modification will increase the value of the HOP while keeping its current scheme.
As with HOP79, the request for EIS includes spectra as well as slot images. Two studies should be run at each pointing:
+ Study #375 SK DEEP 5x512 SLIT1, Slit scan covering 5"x512", data volume, 7Mbits in 11min
+ Study #354 PRY slot contextLITE, a composite image of 488"x488" in He II, data volume: 2.4Mbits in 4min
If two studies can not be accommodated at each pointing due to telemetry shortage or time allocation, they can be alternated from one pointing to the next. |