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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0485

High-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle

plan term


@ @


 name : Nitta @  e-mail : nitta[at]lmsal.com

contact person in HINODE team

 name : @  e-mail :

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: Observe high-latitude magnetic field evolution during the sunspot cycle

Scientific Justification: SDO/HMI full-disk magnetograms suggest the appearance and advection of patches of mixed polarity, in latitudes ranging from 50 to 70 degrees in each hemisphere. These magnetic field concentrations hold important information as to polar field evolution, both in the reversal of the polar cap and in the strengthening of the new one, throughout each sunspot cycle. We propose to monitor regions that center at latitude of 60 degrees in each hemisphere, at least once per month, in a similar manner to HOP81 fast scan mode. These observations complement the existing series of high-quality magnetogram data from SOT of the polar regions under HOP 81 and HOP 206, which cover heliographic latitudes poleward of 70 degrees.

 request to SOT
Non eclipse season: Run SP Program 0x0c5 twice per month. One is centered at +60 degrees latitude, and the other centered at -60 degrees latitude. Both are centered at the central meridian. This request is analogous to the HOP81 fast scan mode.

Eclipse season: Run the following set of SP Programs twice per moth. Each set requires three orbits. One set is centered at +60 degrees latitude, and the other set centered at -60 degrees latitude. Both are centered at the central meridian. This request is similar to HOP81 fast scan mode during eclipse season.
* SP Program 0x121 (ROI 2) --- Set margin factor to 1.1
* SP Program 0x120 (ROI 1) --- Set margin factor to 1.1
* SP Program 0x122 (ROI 3) --- Set margin factor to 1.1

Ensure that the ROI is set correctly in the usage box:
* ROI 1 ( 38, 0) corrected center
* ROI 2 (-642, 0) -680 steps EAST
* ROI 3 (+718, 0) +680 steps WEST

The planner will need to calculate the (x,y) coordinates in arcsec, for example in SSWIDL:
print,hel2arcmin(60,0,date='1-apr-2024 00:00')*60
print,hel2arcmin(-60,0,date='1-apr-2024 00:00')*60

 request to XRT
None. But observations of jets and bright points would be useful.

 request to EIS
None. But observations of jets and bright points would be useful.

 other participating instruments

Dates: Each hemisphere is to be observed once during each month.

Time window: No specific time of day. During non-eclipse season, the scans require 3.5 hours per hemisphere, during eclipse season three orbits (~4.5 hours) are needed per hemisphere.

Target(s) of interest: Quiet Sun at high (but not polar) latitudes

Additional remarks: Deferred when Major Flare Watch is issued.

Previous HOPs: None

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