COROTATION PERIOD FOR ORBIT 1 - Duration [days] 1.85 2018-NOV-02 08:22:45 to 2018-NOV-04 08:25:29
Target: PSP may map to source regions that are on the disk, at the limb, or on the far side. Disk source regions could be coronal holes or active region outflow regions. Observations for all scenarios are described here. For disk targets, SOT, XRT, EIS, and IRIS observations should be run as continuously as possible during the encounter. Breaks for participation in previously scheduled HOPS are ok. For limb targets, at least one set of XRT and EIS observations should be taken on each day of the encounter. Again, continuous observations are preferred. Note that target information requires using models to map the PSP location back to the solar surface. At present it is not clear who will provide these calculations. |