Chromospheric active phenomena, reconnections, coronal heating process and sunspot evolution that are all related with the solar magnetic field have become more clear by recent MHD simulations and high-resolution observations with the HINODE satellite.
We intend to quantitatively verify the present models of such phenomena by simultaneous and high-cadence observations of diversified observation from the photosphere to the corona with the HINODE satellite and spectro-polarimetry observation at the Hida Observatory and the Mitaka Campus.
This proposal aims to establish an observational picture of the magnetic field vector within and under active region sunspot or filaments. Active region filaments are particularly interesting because the fields are strong enough, and the filament structures are generally low enough in the solar atmosphere, that traditional Zeeman effect measurements of the field in the photosphere consistently show signatures characteristic of the magnetic structure of the filament at that level.
It is now appropriate to attempt similar measurements of the photosphere below filaments coupled with simultaneous measurements of the filament structure at chromospheric temperatures and densities. The latter measurements of filaments on the disk are made possible by significant advances within the past few years toward interpretation of polarization measurements in chromospheric lines sensitive to both the Hanle and Zeeman effects If such measurements can be obtained with good spatial resolution, and then coupled to the proven measurements of the vector field in the photosphere below the filament, we hope to develop a glimpse of the actual 3-dimensional structure of the entire filament magnetic field system.
To this end, Hida observatory will provide highly complementary data sets to Hinode, i.e., DST will take chromospheric full-stokes profiles in He I and upper photospheric ones in Si I lines near 1083 nm (MTK campus will take them, too). SMART telescope will also take full disk H-alpha Dopplergram with a spatial resolution of 1 arcsec (see section [8]:appendix).
The concrete list of our targets are described in section [6]. |