---(2024) 2 Oct: HOP 472 Fast wind SOOP (This the Earth quadrature CH target, same HOP as Fast Wind as it is on the same type of target, i.e. CH)
---(2023) Exact details to be coordinated with the chief planner. Equatorial coronal hole target. When SO/SPICE runs SPICE_COMPOSITION, Hinode/EIS runs Atlas_180 (ID: 620), FOV: 120"x160", Exp: 180s, Dur: 3h. At any other time, SO/SPICE runs SPICE_DYNAMICS, and Hinode/EIS runs CH_funnels_FIPv3 (ID: 635), FOV: 132"x512", Exp: 90s, Dur: 100min. EIS team to confirm if longer exposure time is needed. If the target coronal hole is large, stitch multiple ID 635 observations together to increase FOV. Please run as many times as possible.
SO/SPICE will run SPICE_COMPOSITION during the following time windows: 24/10/2023: 11:30 - 16:52 UT, 23:42 - 05:04 UT 25/10/2023: 11:54 - 17:16 UT 26/10/2023: 00:06 - 05:28 UT, 12:18 - 17:40 UT
SO/SPICE will run SPICE_DYNAMICS during the following time windows: 24/10/2023: 16:55 - 23:41 UT 25/10/2023: 05:07 - 11:53, 17:19 - 00:05 UT 26/10/2023: 05:31 - 12:17 UT, 17:43 - 21:47 UT
EIS studies have highest priority, so we are willing to sacrifice XRT observations if there is a possibility of additional telemetry for those observations. |