Main Objective: We would like to compare the spectroscopic features in multiple chromospheric lines for active phenomena on the solar surface, such as sunspots (active regions), plages, flare ribbons, postflare loops, eruptions, and so on, by spectroscopic observations at multiple chromospheric lines with BBSO/GST.
Scientific Justification: Solar active phenomena can be observed in spatially resolved images, but stellar ones cannot. A so-called "Sun-as-a-star analysis" has recently been conducted on solar active phenomena by mimicking stellar observations. To better understand the mechanisms of active phenomena occurring on stellar surfaces, we would like to compare the spectroscopic features in multiple chromospheric lines for active phenomena, such as sunspots (active regions), plages, flare ribbons, postflare loops, eruptions, and so on, by spectroscopic observations at multiple chromospheric lines with BBSO/GST. Furthermore, we would like to derive the reactions in the transition region and in the corona mainly by spectroscopic observations with Hinode/EIS. |