Program #1 - NBP Study: Sequence 1, One hour, pointing: (0,0), disk center tracking
G-Band, 2K x 2K, binning 2 x 2
FG FeI 5250.2, g = 3, IQUV mode, 1.4K x 1.4K, binning 2 x 2, line CENTER tuning
Time step 1 min
Sequence 2, One hour, pointing: (0,0), disk center tracking
G-Band, 2K x 2K, binning 2 x 2
FG FeI 5250.2, g = 3, IQUV mode, 1.4K x 1.4K, binning 2 x 2, line WING tuning
Time step 1 min
Program #2 - Supergranular Cell Boundary Target: Supergranular cell boundary in quiet Sun.
Sequence 1: duration 1 hour
Temporal resolution: 1 minute FOV: small enough to achieve 1 minute cadence (try 1k x 1k, 2x2 summed to begin...)
- BFI: G-band - NFI: Na Id in IV mode, standard blue wing tuning
Sequence 2: duration 1 hour
Temporal resolution: 1 minute FOV: small enough to achieve 1 minute cadence
- BFI: G-band - NFI: Mg Ib in IV mode standard blue wing tuning
Sequence 3: duration 1 hour FOV: small enough to achieve 1 minute cadence
- BFI: G-band - NFI: Mg Ib in shuttered IQUV mode (or only IQU), filter tuned to line CENTER
Program #3 - Network Wave Propagation Sequence 1, Six hours, pointing: (0,0), disk center tracking (center on time range)
- FG NFI: FeI 5576 lambda scan, 7 position, 40 mA step, 1K x 1K (or as large as possible to achieve cadence), 1x1
Time step 30 sec
Note: 5576 line scan should be measured first and wavelengths adjusted for line center.