TARGET: Active regions to be occulted by the moon.
OBSERVATION TIME and possible POINTINGS: There are two possibilities based on the images on June 14.
[Case-1] To observe an AR (or remnant) near the NW-limb around 17:53UT, which is the 1st contact of Hinode's No.1 eclipse.
[Case-2] To observe another AR (or remnant) near the NE-limb around 19:49UT, which is the 1st contact of Hinode's No.2 eclipse.
In both case, one complete set of EIS (or SOT) observations is requested before the 1st contacts.
ORDER OF PREFERENCE FOR INSTRUMENT SUPPORT: We desire support from all three instruments. Should resource compromises be necessary, however, our order of preference for support is: 1. XRT, 2. EIS, 3. SOT.
SUGGESTED HINODE OBSERVING PROGRAM: Similar to the Hinode active region observations during the eclipse of 15 Jan. 2010, around 08:50 UT. I would like to find better observations through discussion with each CO. |