We require approximately continuous full-disk coronal images for a 95-minute period coinciding with the ground-based totality over the US: 21 August 2017, 17:15 - 18:50 UT. Imaging is primarily to be in a gsofth band pass, such as Al-poly, with occasional images in a second filter, such as Al-mesh, to allow thermal analysis.
FIELD OF VIEW:1024x1024, with 2x2 binning.
FILTERS: Hi- and low-cadence pairs, with Al/poly for high cadence and Al/mesh for low cadence.
EXPOSURE TIME: Fixed-exposure image pairs, to form short-longexposure image composites. Suggestions are: for Al/poly, 4-5 sec + 0.5-1 sec; for Al/mesh, 2 sec + 0.25 sec.
CADENCE: About 60 seconds between image pairs. Al/poly would run for nine image pairs, followed by one Al/mesh pair, for a total time of about 10 min for each sequence. During times when the Sun is eclipsed from Hinode, images from only a single filter (the high-cadence filter) would be required. |