Dates: The ALMA observations will take place somewhere from March 11 to March 25.
Time window: We have asked for one 4-hour session of ALMA observations. Solar observing at ALMA in March will take place from 13:30 UT to 19:30 UT. We request synoptics to be shifted before or after our observations. We also request IRIS to not be in eclipse during our observations.
Target(s) of interest: At both ALMA frequencies, seven regions from disk center to the North Pole will be observed, each one for 10 minutes, with breaks for calibration lasting 3 minutes. The location of these regions will be at $mu=[1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0]$. In the first half of the observing period, the targets will be observed at 230 GHz and in the second half they will be observed at 100 GHz. |