Target and Sequence Options:
In general, the proposers (Wei Liu or T. J. Okamoto) will help with target selection; otherwise, please follow the guideline below (two options).
(Option-1) Targets of opportunity (stand-alone runs of ideal targets, without long-term tracking):
Run this HOP for 3-6 hours just once, if repeated runs (as described in Option-2) cannot be afforded, and if there is an ideal target, i.e., (A) a long, quiescent on-disk filament with clear signatures of flux emergence (e.g., as indicated by HMI magnetograms), or (B) a large, quiescent off-limb prominence within coronal cavities showing prominence bubbles (as indicated in SDO/AIA 304 A movies).
(Option-2) Continuous monitoring of a target filament/prominence for days:
Initial Target Selection: long, quiescent on-disk filaments, preferentially on the Western hemisphere and with signatures of flux emergence.
Long-term Tracking: once such a target is selected, we request that this HOP (for Case 2, for on-disk filaments) be started and repeated to track its evolution, until it erupts or disappears by other means. If the target rotates to the West limb and becomes a prominence, please follow up with Case 1 (for off-limb prominences).
Duration: prefer 4-6 hr for each run, one run per day, repeated for up to 7 days.
Dates: preferably in eclipse-free seasons for both Hinode and IRIS. Our first choice would be a 4-day run during 2014 October 9-16 when Joten Okamoto, coauthor of this HOP, is the SOT CO. After we learn from this initial run and refine this HOP, the next desired window would be a longer run (e.g., 7 days) during March-April 2015, between the Hinode and IRIS eclipse seasons. Eclipse seasons would be acceptable, although not our first choice.
------------------------------------ References:
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