<Pointing> Please set the pointing at the center of a prominence in the H-alpha image or at the center of the polarity inversion line (not sunspot center) in the magnetogram.
(1) Case 1 (standard)
SP - Fast map (cycle 2), FOV=100hx110h, sum=2x2, cadence=1.5 hours 2100 Mbits/day (FOV depends on the location and length of polarity inversion line)
H-alpha center - FOV=160hx160h, sum=2x2, cadence=10 minute, Q=75 (only a clear prominence in the non-eclipse season) 310 Mbits/day
Na IVDG - FOV=160hx160h, sum=2x2, cadence=10 minutes, Q1=65, Q2=75 (SP has the highest priority, so reduce the cadence and FOV if telemetry does not allow) 900 Mbits/day
G-band - FOV=160hx110h, sum=2x2, cadence=1.5 hours, Q=65 (for alignment purpose) 75 Mbits/day
Ca - FOV=110hx110h, sum=2x2, cadence=10 minute, Q=65 (if telemetry allows) 310 Mbits/day
Total = 3700 Mbits (current SOT allocation : 3500 Mbits/day)
(2) Case 2 (high cadence)
SP - Fast map (cycle 2), FOV=20hx82h, sum=2x2, cadence=repeat, 285 Mbits/hour
H-alpha center - FOV=80hx80h, sum=2x2, cadence=4 minute, Q=75 (only a clear prominence in the non-eclipse season) 8 Mbits/hour
Ca - FOV=80hx80h, sum=2x2, cadence=4 minute, Q=65 18 Mbits/hour
G-band - FOV=80hx80h, sum=2x2, cadence=1 minute, Q=65 (A 1-min cadence is necessary for the calculation of the surface flows.) 75 Mbits/hour
Na IVDG - FOV=80hx80h, sum=2x2, cadence=4 minutes, Q1=65, Q2=75 24 Mbits/hour
Total = 400 Mbits/hour (A duration of 3-4 hours or more is expected) |