There are three EIS studies available: two for quiescent filaments, one narrow and one extended. One for an active region filament,
Narrow Quiescent study: Quiet_fil_narrow, ID # 383, Lines: He II (256.32), Fe VIII (185.21), Fe XII (195.12), 2hslit, sparse raster with 10hsteps and 60 sec exposure, FoV is 102" width by 200hheight, raster duration: 12m 17s, data volume: 0.5 Mbit, compression: JPEG95 Point at a short QS filament. Repeat raster to take continuous data at same pointing. Hinode to track filament.
Wide Quiescent study: Quiet_fil_wide, ID #384, Lines: He II (256.32), Fe VIII (185.21), Fe XII (195.12), 2hslit, sparse raster with 20hsteps and 60 sec exposure, FoV is 202h width by 200h height, raster duration: 12m 17s, data volume: 0.5 Mbit, compression: JPEG95. Centre study on mid-filament where eruption most likely. Repeat raster to take continuous data at same pointing. Hinode to track filament.
Active Region filament study: AR_filament,ID #385, Lines: He II (256.32), Fe VIII (185.21), Fe XII (195.12), Si VII (275.35), Fe XXIV (192.02), 2hslit, sparse raster with 10hsteps and 10 s exposure, FoV is 242h width by 200" height, raster duration: 5m 11s, data volume: 2.0 Mbit, compression: JPEG95. Point at AR filament. Repeat raster to take continuous data at same pointing. Hinode to track filament. AR filament study designed to monitor changes in flows prior to eruption.
For long or complex filaments, consult proposal contacts for pointing specification.