---(sep~oct 2024) 30 Sept: HOP 460 AR target (beginning of the observations for the AR target) 1 Oct: HOP 460 AR target (end of the observations that started on 30th September)
1 Oct: HOP 460 filament target (beginning of the filament observation) 2 Oct: HOP 460 filament target (end of the filament observation that started on 1st October)
Filament SOOP (R_BOTH_HRES_HCAD_Filament_Prominence) on Orbiter. The SOOP is running in the period October 1, 23:15 UT - October 2, 05:15 UT. Orbiter will be in quadrature with Earth and we would like to run again HOP 460, pointing at a filament on the disk as seen from Earth.
We are also coordinating with DKIST. Given the time constraint, DKIST will start earlier, in the 18:30-23:30 UT slot, with the details to be seen. So, it would be great if you could also support this earlier observation.
---(march 2024) Studies: Study #404 Atlas_60 for context followed by study #582 HOP81_new_study
---(2023) EIS - a general purpose raster would be used to provide 3D context and flow information. For a prominence coronal temperature lines can also give information about continuum absorption. Active Region observations to provide DEMs, loop structure and flows.
At earth times 10-Oct-2023 21:00 - 23:43 Altas_60 (Study 404, 60 min) during SPICE_COMPOSITION 11-Oct-2023 23:43 - 11-Oct-2023 - 01:58 HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14) during SPICE_DYNAMICS 11-Oct-2023 01:58 - 02:55 HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14) during SPICE_SPECTRATLAS
--- (april-2023) At Earth times: 00:56-7:06 UT: HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14 each) 5 reps 07:09-08:09 UT: Altas_60 (Study 404, 60 min) 08:10-15:34 UT: HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14 each) 6 reps