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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0460

[SOOP: Earth at Quadrature] Prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter

plan term


@ @


 name : Parenti, Kucera
Janvier, Chitta
@  e-mail : susanna.parenti[at]universite-paris-saclay.fr, therese.a.kucera[at]nasa.gov, Miho.Janvier[at]esa.int, chitta[at]mps.mpg.de

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: Observation of a prominence and/or an active region at the limb as seen from Solar Orbiter

Scientific Justification:
Prominence Observations:
+ Determine composition of prominences in order to test prominence formation mechanisms
+ Evaluate the prominence column depth and related structure.
+ Measure the small scale structure and dynamics of prominences, to better understand formation and energy transport in prominences.
Active Region: To understand energy release in solar active regions.

 request to SOT
If the AR is on disk, as viewed from Hinode, then several 320"x164", 230"x164", or 164"x164" fast maps are requested, depending on the size of the AR target, repeated as many times as telemetry allows.

 request to XRT
CME Watch program with Al-poly and thin-Be.  Flare mode should be enabled.

 request to EIS
---(sep~oct 2024)
30 Sept:  HOP 460 AR target (beginning of the observations for the AR target)
1 Oct:  HOP 460 AR target (end of the observations that started on 30th September)

1 Oct: HOP 460 filament target (beginning of the filament observation)
2 Oct: HOP 460 filament target (end of the filament observation that started on 1st October)

Filament SOOP (R_BOTH_HRES_HCAD_Filament_Prominence) on Orbiter.
The SOOP is running in the period October 1, 23:15 UT - October 2, 05:15 UT. Orbiter will be in quadrature with Earth and we would like to run again HOP 460, pointing at a filament on the disk as seen from Earth.

We are also coordinating with DKIST. Given the time constraint, DKIST will start earlier, in the 18:30-23:30 UT slot, with the details to be seen. So, it would be great if you could also support this earlier observation.

---(march 2024)
Studies:  Study #404 Atlas_60 for context followed by study #582 HOP81_new_study

EIS - a general purpose raster would be used to provide 3D context and flow information.
For a prominence coronal temperature lines can also give information about continuum absorption.
Active Region observations to provide DEMs, loop structure and flows.

At earth times
10-Oct-2023 21:00 - 23:43 Altas_60 (Study 404, 60 min) during SPICE_COMPOSITION
11-Oct-2023 23:43 -
11-Oct-2023           - 01:58 HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14) during SPICE_DYNAMICS
11-Oct-2023 01:58 - 02:55 HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14) during SPICE_SPECTRATLAS

--- (april-2023)
At Earth times:
00:56-7:06 UT:  HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14 each) 5 reps
07:09-08:09 UT: Altas_60 (Study 404, 60 min)
08:10-15:34 UT: HOP81_new_study (Study 582, 1:14 each) 6 reps

 other participating instruments
Additional instrument coordination: Solar Orbiter [R_BOTH_HRES_HCAD_Nanoflares]

---(sep 30 - oct-1 2024)
One instance of the Earth Quadrature SOOP (L_SMALL_MRES_MCAD_Earth-Quadrature)
Active Region Target
---(oct 1-2 2024)
Filament SOOP (R_BOTH_HRES_HCAD_Filament_Prominence) on Orbiter.
> The SOOP is running in the period October 1, 23:15 UT - October 2, 05:15 UT. Orbiter will be in quadrature with Earth and we would like to run again HOP 460, pointing at a filament on the disk as seen from Earth.

> We are also coordinating with DKIST. Given the time constraint, DKIST will start earlier, in the 18:30-23:30 UT slot, with the details to be seen. So, it would be great if you could also support this earlier observation.

Target:  East limb prominence
Times:  23 March 2024 03:36 - 21:46 UT which priority to 09:15 to 12:50 UT

Dates: 10 October 2023, 20:55 - 02:50 October 11.
Target(s) of interest: Active region on the disk as seen by Orbiter on the West limb

Dates: Apr 15, 2023
Time window: 02:00-13:45 UT
Target(s) of interest: Solar Orbiter limb prominence (primary target) or limb AR. Solar Orbiter in quadrature with Earth, Hinode observes on the disk. (Track pointing)
Refer to coordination page in Additional Instrument Coordination.

Previous HOPs: This is part of HOP 429

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