Previous HOPs: [HOP Title] HOP173:EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students
[Publications] Yaji, K., Tonooka, H. and Inoue, N., Public Outreach and Education Activities of Solar Mission Hinode in Japan, 2018, First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 449 ,Springer, 255-262
Yaji, K., Tonooka, H., and Inoue, N., Public Outreach and Education Activity of Hinode, 2016, The Astronomical Herald, 109, 642-646
Yaji, K., Tonooka, H., Shimojo, M., Tokimasa, N., Suzuki, D., Nakamichi, A., and Shimoikura, I., Hinode, the Sun and Public outreach, Highlights of Astronomy, 2015, Vol. 15, XXVIIIth IAU General Assembly, 649
Yaji, K. Letfs Look at the Sun with Hinode together! 2014, Hoshi-Navi, 40-45, 7(Astronomical Magazine for the public in Japan)
Yaji, K., Letfs Look at the Sun with Hinode together!, 2013, The Astronomical Herald, 106, 503
All the publications are non-refereed.
[International Conferences] Touch the sun with Hinode together!, Communicating Astronomy with the public 2018, Fukuoka, Japan, March, 2018.
Solar science education with use of the images and movies, its practice and evaluation, International Symposium on Education in Astronomy and Astrobiology (ISE2A), Utrecht, Nederlands,2017
EPO Coordinated Observations for High School Students - Let's observe the sun with Hinode ! -, Hinode10 science meeting, Nagoya, Japan, Sept. 2016.*
Coordinated Solar Observation with High schools - Letfs observe the sun with Hinode -, IAU XXXIX General Assembly, Honolulu, USA, August 2015.
Communicating Solar Observations among Amateurs, Educators, Professionals and the Public, Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2013, Warsaw, Poland, October 2013
Coordinated observations for High School Students as Hinode EPO Activity, Hinode-7 Science Meeting, Takayama, Japan, November 2013.*
Let's Look at the Sun with Hinode together! - EPO Joint Observations for High school Students, 6th Hinode Science Meeting, St. Andrews, UK, August 2012.*
Hinode Education and Outreach Activities in Recent Years and in the Future, IAU XXXVIII General Assembly, Beijing, China, August 2012
Advanced Challenges for Communicating New Sun with Hinode Satellite, Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2011, Beijing, China, October 2011
Communicating Solar Satellite Hinode data to the Public, Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2010
Teaching Material with Use of Hinode Data, Practice and Assessment, 4th Hinode Science Meeting, Palermo, Italy, October 2010 *
* Poster Presentation
[Domestic Meeting] We have caught sunspot formations and disappearances in multi-wavelength, Urawa-Nishi high school, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Spring Meeting, Junior Session, Tokyo, Japan, March 2016 **
gLet's Observe the Sun with Hinode in 2014!h Its practice and results -, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Spring Meeting, Osaka, Japan, March 2015 Letfs observe the sun with Hinode Satellite, The 28th Meeting in Astronomy Education, Tokyo, Japan,2014
Let's Observe the Sun with Hinode! - Coordinated Observation Campaign with High School Students -,Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2014, Yokohama, Japan, April 2014
You are a Solar Physicist today - Analysis and Practices with Hinode data, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Spring Meeting, Saitama, Japan, March 2013 * Use with Archive Data Joint-Observed by High schools, Public Observatories, Science Museums and Hinode Satellite, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Spring Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012
Joint Solar Observations by High schools, Public Observatories, Science Museums and Hinode Satellite, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Spring Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2011
Joint Solar Observations by High schools, Public Observatories, Science Museums and Hinode Satellite(2), Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Fall Meeting, Kagoshima, Japan, September 2011
* Poster Presentation ** Oral and Poster presentation by high school students
Additional remarks: As below, I reported and practiced the teaching material with use of mercury transit in 2016.
"Teaching Material with use of Mercury Transit data observed with Hinode", Yaji. K, Astronomical Society of Japan, Annual Fall Meeting, Hokkaido, Japan, September 2017
"Practice with use of Mercury Transit Images observed with Hinode", Yaji. K, PAOFITS workshop Tokyo, Japan, February 2017 (Sorry, this document is written in Japanese.)
In addition, next year February, I am invited as one of invited speakers on the outreach session of The 5th Asia Pacific Solar Physics Meeting (APSPM).I will report this mercury transit observation with Hinode. A tentative program schedule is as below. |