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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0486

Coordinated observation with the MaGIXS 2 sounding rocket

plan term


@ @


 name : Savage, Winebarger, Panchapakesan, Kobelski, Duncan @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, amy.r.winebarger[at]nasa.gov,
sp0196[at]uah.edu, adam.kobelski[at]nasa.gov, jessie.m.duncan[at]nasa.gov

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: Distinguish heating frequency modes in an active region core

Scientific Justification: The second flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) provides soft X-ray spectra (6-24 Angstroms) and spatial information for the full field of view concurrently. The MaGIXS bandpass is dominated by high temperature emission lines, with key lines of Fe XVII, Fe XVIII, Fe XIX, Ne IX, and O VII. The primary science goal for this instrument is to determine the loop heating frequency in solar active regions in order to distinguish between low (nanoflare) and high (wave) frequency heating sources. To this end, MaGIXS will be able to detect and qualify high-temperature, low-emission-measure plasma in the active region core through a single optical path at rapid cadence (~1-2 seconds). Coordinated observations with Hinode and IRIS broaden the available spectral and temperature distribution, bound the AR photospheric field, and provide key soft X-ray, high cadence contextual information.

 request to SOT
A single 260" x 162" SP fast map centered on the AR core with the scan time overlapping the launch window.

 request to XRT
Full-FOV (2048'x2048') binned (4x4), Thin-Be
During one hour launch window, highest cadence possible (30 s or better, if possible). At least 30 minutes before and after launch window, lower cadence (not more than 2 minutes) to within telemetry limits. Priority on high cadence to launch window.

Run the observations through the SAA periods (remove the BAD_PHOTO events).

 request to EIS
During the launch window: HPW024_266fullccd25s [full CCD, 266" slot, 25s cadence]

Before and after the launch window: HPW021_VEL_260x512v2 [slit scans]

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
Before launch window: 2 runs of this OBS:
3600106078 | Very large dense 400-step raster 131.7"x175" 400s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2 | 2082.90|3095.35 | 1.01 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 2083+/-0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0

During launch window, make sure OBS is running (taking data) by beginning of launch window: 1 hour of
3600104024 | Very large coarse 4-step raster 6x175 4s Deep x 2 Spatial x 2, Spect | 12.83 |30.95| 1.64 | 3.2+/-0.1 | 12.9+/-0.0 | 12.8+/-0.0 | 12.8+/-0.0 | 12.8+/-0.0 | 12.8+/-0.0

After launch window: 2 runs of
3600106078 | Very large dense 400-step raster 131.7"x175" 400s Deep x 4 Spatial x 2 | 2082.90|3095.35 | 1.01 | 5.2+/-0.1 | 2083+/-0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0 | 20.8+/-0.0

Additional instrument coordination:
NuSTAR, to be coordinated by Jessie Duncan

Dates: July 16, 2024

Time window: ~19 UT +/- 2 hours (To be refined by launch window availability)

Target(s) of interest: Non-flaring active region

Previous HOPs:
HOP 318, 350, 421: Sounding rocket I/HOPs with several associated publications.

Additional remarks:
The MaGIXS sounding rocket may choose multiple pointings during flight, hence the large XRT field of view required.

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