We aim at an investigation of the impulsive phase of a flare by having multi-wavelength observations of the chromosphere and a comparison of the observations with the results from the RADYN radiative hydrodynamic code from Carlsson & Stein (1992, 1997) in order to determine the chromospheric response to non-thermal electrons.
During our observing campaign at the VTT/Gregor telescopes we are planning to use TIP (Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter, Collados et al., 2007). We will observe in He I (10830Å), covering the Si (10827Å), Ca I (10833.4Å) and Na I (10834.8Å) lines as well. We will also have the TESOS spectrometer (Kentischer et al., 1998) operating in H, with a FOV of 70" x 40" and/or the Gregor Fabry-Perot Interferometer (GFPI) at the Gregor Telescope. The PCO cameras will get imaging data in Ca II H, which will help us to coordinate precisely the pointing and co-align the images with the ones from HINODE.
The Hinode observations will compliment TIP and TESOS by determining the dynamic response of the chromosphere over a broader range of temperatures (EIS) and at different layers by studying the flare in different wavelengths (XRT and SOT). |