Time window: between 08 UT and 17 UT
Target(s) of interest: Filaments: quiescent or in active regions
Previous HOPs: HOP 255 @ARTICLE{2018ApJ...865..123R, author = {{Ruan}, G. and {Schmieder}, B. and {Mein}, P. and {Mein}, N. and {Labrosse}, N. and {Gun{'a}r}, S. and {Chen}, Y.}, title = "{On the Dynamic Nature of a Quiescent Prominence Observed by IRIS and MSDP Spectrographs}"
@ARTICLE{2017A&A...607A..16L, author = {{Levens}, P.~J. and {Labrosse}, N. and {Schmieder}, B. and {L{'o}pez Ariste}, A. and {Fletcher}, L.}, title = "{Comparing UV/EUV line parameters and magnetic field in a quiescent prominence with tornadoes}",
@ARTICLE{2016ApJ...826..164L, author = {{Levens}, P.~J. and {Schmieder}, B. and {L{'o}pez Ariste}, A. and {Labrosse}, N. and {Dalmasse}, K. and {Gelly}, B.}, title = "{Magnetic Field in Atypical Prominence Structures: Bubble, Tornado, and Eruption}",
@ARTICLE{2017A&A...606A..30S, author = {{Schmieder}, B. and {Zapi{'o}r}, M. and {L{'o}pez Ariste}, A. and {Levens}, P. and {Labrosse}, N. and {Gravet}, R.}, title = "{Reconstruction of a helical prominence in 3D from IRIS spectra and images}",
@ARTICLE{2016ApJ...818...31L, author = {{Levens}, P.~J. and {Schmieder}, B. and {Labrosse}, N. and {L{'o}pez Ariste}, A.}, title = "{Structure of Prominence Legs: Plasma and Magnetic Field}",
@ARTICLE{2015A&A...582A..27L, author = {{Levens}, P.~J. and {Labrosse}, N. and {Fletcher}, L. and {Schmieder}, B.}, title = "{A solar tornado observed by EIS. Plasma diagnostics}",
Additional remarks: We have mainly observed prominences/tornadoes . Now we would like to focus on filaments. |