Exact details to be coordinated with the chief planner.
Pointing: disk observation of either outflows at an active region boundary or a coronal hole boundary.
Active region boundary: When SO/SPICE runs SPECTRATLAS, Hinode/EIS runs Spectral atlas, Atlas_60 (ID 404, FOV: 120"x160h, Exp: 60s, Dur: 65 mins, Tel: 257 Mbits) At any other time, during the rest of the observing window when SO/SPICE runs COMPOSITION/DYNAMICS, Hinode/EIS runs Abundance raster DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600, FOV: 246hx512h, Exp:60s, Dur: 68 mins, Tel: 114 Mbits). Please run as many times as possible.
Coronal hole boundary: When SO/SPICE runs SPECTRATLAS, Hinode/EIS runs Spectral atlas, Atlas_120 (ID: 405, FOV: 120"x160", Exp: 120s, Dur: 128 mins, Tel: 257 Mbits). At any other time, during the rest of the observing window when SO/SPICE runs COMPOSITION/DYNAMICS, Hinode/EIS runs HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524, FOV: 240hx512h, Exp: 100s, Dur: 215 mins, Tel: 174 Mbits). Please run as many times as possible.SO/SPICE will run SPECTRATLAS during the following time windows:
Observation window 1: 3/3/22 06:00 - 06:54 UT, 4/3/22 09:50 - 10:44 UT, 5/3/22 07:00 - 07:54 UT
Observation window 2: EIS Atlas and abundance studies have highest priority, so we are willing to sacrifice XRT observations if there is a possibility of additional telemetry for those observations.
If the target is an AR boundary: 17/3/22: 06:10 - 07:15 UT - Atlas_60 (ID 404) 07:15 - 06:30 UT (18/2/22) - Please run DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600) as often as telemetry constraints allow 18/3/22: 06:30 - 07:35 UT - Atlas_60 (ID 404) 07:35 - 07:00 UT (19/3/22) - Please run DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600) as often as telemetry constraints allow 19/3/22 07:00 - 08:05 UT - Atlas_60 (ID 404) 08:05 - 07:30 UT (20/3/22) - Please run DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600) as often as telemetry constraints allow 20/3/22 07:30 - 08:05 UT - Atlas_60 (ID 404) 08:05 - 08:00 UT (21/3/22) - Please run DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600) as often as telemetry constraints allow 21/3/22 08:00 - 09:05 UT - Atlas_60 (ID 404) 09:05 - 23:00 UT - Please run DHB_007_v2 (ID: 600) as often as telemetry constraints allow
If the target is a CH boundary: 17/3/22 06:10 - 08:20UT - Atlas_120 (ID: 405) 08:20 - 06:30 UT (18/3/22) - Please run HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524) as often as telemetry constraints allow 18/3/22 06:30 - 08:40 UT - Atlas_120 (ID: 405) 08:40 - 07:00 UT (19/3/22) - Please run HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524) as often as telemetry constraints allow 19/3/22 07:00 - 09:10 UT - Atlas_120 (ID: 405) 09:10 - 07:30 UT (20/3/22) - Please run HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524) as often as telemetry constraints allow 20/3/22 07:30 - 09:40 UT - Atlas_120 (ID: 405) 09:40 - 08:00 UT (21/3/22) - Please run HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524) as often as telemetry constraints allow 21/3/22 08:00 - 10:10 UT - Atlas_120 (ID: 405) 10:10 - 23:00 UT - Please run HPW021VEL240x512v2_b (ID: 524) as often as telemetry constraints allow |