Main Objective: To obtain EIS full-spectral readouts of a streamer on the west limb before and after the 2024 April 8 total solar eclipse in coordination with the ACES mission.
Scientific Justification: The Airborne Coronal Emission Surveyor (ACES) is a broadband near- to mid-infrared Fourier transform spectrograph that will fly aboard the NSF High-performance Instrumented Airborne Platform for Environment Research (HIAPER) Gulfstream V during the 2024 April 8 total solar eclipse. It will provide an unprecedented high-spectral-resolution observation of the solar corona in the largely unexplored 1-4m range. ACES is a successor to the Airborne Infrared Spectrograph (AIR-Spec, Samra et al. 2022) missions that took place during the 2017 and 2019 total solar eclipses and this proposed study will comprise a variation upon the successful AIR-Spec/EIS coordination described in Madsen et al. (2019). EIS support will be critical for providing baseline measurements of plasma density and temperature diagnostics, such as line ratio and EM loci analyses, that are unaffected by photoexcitation. This will not only help to validate the diagnostic utility of emission lines observed by ACES, but will also help constrain the contribution of photoexcitation in these lines as a function of radial distance from the limb.
References: - Madsen, C. A., Samra, J. E., Del Zanna, G., DeLuca, E. E. 2019, The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 102 - Samra, J. E., Marquez, V., Cheimets, P., DeLuca, E. E. et al. 2022, The Astronomical Journal, 164, 39 |