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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0409

Energetics of solar eruptions from the chromosphere to the inner heliosphere

plan term


@ @


 name : Reeves, Polito, Sun, Longcope, Sterling, Reardon, HSO Connect Teams @  e-mail : kreeves[at]cfa.harvard.edu, polito[at]baeri.org, xudongs[at]hawaii.edu, dana[at]solar.physics.montana.edu, alphonse.sterling[at]nasa.gov, kreardon[at]nso.edu  

contact person in HINODE team

 name : DeLuca, Reeves @  e-mail : edeluca[at]cfa.harvard.edu, kreeves[at]cfa.harvard.edu

 abstract of observational proposal

 request to SOT
(1) On disk AR:
Several 320"x164", 230"x164", or 164"x164" fast maps are requested, depending on the size of the AR target, repeated as many times as telemetry allows. Compression of 65% is OK.

(2) Limb AR
No request

 request to XRT
1) On disk AR:  
Thin-Be and Med-Be filter pair, FOV 384x384, 1 minute cadence strongly preferred, 2 minute cadence
XOB #1C97 (or similar)
*** Remove BAD_PHOTO events around SAAs***
Flare response: XOB #1C96

(2) Limb AR:  
Thin-Be and Med-Be filter pair, FOV 384x384, 1 minute cadence strongly preferred, 2 minute cadence
XOB #1C97 (or similar)
*** Remove BAD_PHOTO events around SAAs***
Flare response: XOB #1C96

 request to EIS
(1) On disk AR:
* EIS study ID #37 HH+AR_FLR_RAS_NO3J, FOV: 240" x 240", 5s exp with 2" slit - 13 min

(2) Limb AR:
If there is sufficient telemetry, run FlareResponse01 as a regular study. If the observations are telemetry constrained, run Flare266_Hunter01 with FlareResponse01 as the response and enable the XRT flare flag.

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
IRIS support should include a raster scan every few hours, with details in IRIS planning notes.

(1) On disk AR:
High data rate:
Large sit-and-stare 8 sec cadence, C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k slit jaws
3660259103  |  Large sit-and-stare 0.3x120 1s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k Deep x 8  FUV  |      28.26    | 38.06    |      0.92     |  9.4+/-0.1 |  9.4+/-0.1 | 28.3+/-0.0 | 28.3+/-0.0 | 28.3+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0

Low data rate:
3660259102  |  Medium sit-and-stare 0.3x60 1s  C II   Si IV   Mg II h/k Deep x 8  FUV  |      28.14    | 15.92    |      0.39     |  9.4+/-0.2 |  9.4+/-0.2 | 28.1+/-0.0 | 28.1+/-0.0 | 28.1+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0

If rolls are allowed, roll angle so that the slit is perpendicular to the neutral line

(2) Limb AR:
High data rate:
Large course 8-step raster, C II SJI only, flare line list (v38_03), 8 sec exposure time
3660259533  |  Large coarse 8-step raster 14x120 8s  C II Deep x 8  FUV spectrally re  |      76.84    | 101.56    |      0.90     |  9.6+/-0.0 | 76.8+/-0.0 |  9.6+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0

Low data rate:
3660259532  |  Medium coarse 8-step raster 14x60 8s  C II Deep x 8  FUV spectrally re  |      76.54    | 42.42    |      0.37     |  9.6+/-0.0 | 76.5+/-0.0 |  9.6+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0 |  0.0+/-0.0

Off-limb pointing above an active region. If rolls are allowed, roll angle so that the slit is perpendicular to
the limb (same request as IHOP 244, updated for v36).

Additional instrument coordination:  
PSP, Solar Orbiter, EOVSA, DKIST, VLA

Dates:  +/- 5 days around PSP perihelia where PSP will be on the front side of the Sun, or in quadrature.

Perihelion 7: Jan 12 - Jan 22 2021
Perihelion 8: Apr 24 - May 4 2021
Perihelion 10: Nov 16 - Nov 26 2021
Perihelion 11: Feb 20 - Mar 2 2022
Perihelion 12: May 27 - June 6 2022
Perihelion 14: Dec 06 - Dec 16 2022
Perihelion 15: Mar 12 - Mar 22 2023

Time window:  Since we are looking for eruptions, we would like as long a time window as possible, but it should overlap with 14 UT - 03 UT to best coordinate with ground based observatories.  Interruptions for synoptic observations are OK.

Target(s) of interest:  (1) On-disk AR; (2) AR on the limb;  
Targets will be determined based on source locations derived from PFSS or MHD models of the heliospheric magnetic field connectivity. These models can initially be generated weeks prior to the encounter, with refinements being made several days in advance. We will provide the final target pointing in accordance with the IRIS and Hinode operational requirements.  Priority should be given to ARs that connect to PSP via the Parker Spiral, or ARs that are very active.

Previous HOPs:  
HOP 244, Reeves et al., ApJ, 2020, in press

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