This proposal requests an observation of the full solar disk using XRT to coordinate with TESIS-CORONAS observations for the period of April 6-10, 2009 while CORONAS is out of eclipse. If an active region or well developed coronal hole is present, we request support from EIS and SOT. These observations will also be coordinated with TRACE.
TESIS an EUV imager aboard CORONAS-F a recently launched Russian mission is the coordinating observatory. The TESIS instrument is an imager with several band in the EUV (304, 171 Angstrom). TESIS has also 2 high-temperature channels: the first is MgXII 8.42 A (imaging of plasma with T~8 MK), and the second - FeXIII 132 A (T~10 MK). Both channels can work in full disk and frame mode. In MgXII TESIS already has successful observation of high-temperature plasma even in deep minimum conditions. This will be utilized in our coordinated program.
TESIS has shown great first results: The resolution is 1 arcsecond and their cadence for full disk photometric studies is 5 minutes. |