Main Objective: To jointly observe pre-flare activity to investigate the triggering of solar flares
Scientific Justification: It has long been known that solar flares are strongly associated with magnetic activity, with their energy release thought to result from the reconnection of magnetic field lines in the solar atmosphere. The trigger mechanism for this energy release is however still poorly understood.
Previous studies of pre-flare activity have found that non-thermal line widths show enhancements during and before flare activity. Harra, Matthews & Culhane (2001) observed an increase in X-ray non-thermal velocity up to tens of minutes before the peak of a flare, opening the suggestion that this parameter is of importance in the triggering of flares. Subsequent observations in EUV using Hinode by Harra et al. (2009) have revealed that increases in non-thermal velocity can be seen up to hours before the occurrence of a flare.
The ability to jointly observe flare events using both Hinode and IRIS presents a great opportunity to observe both the Corona and Chromosphere concurrently to further investigate observed non thermal velocities and their possible link to the triggering of solar flares.
These observation would make use of the EIS study HH_Flare_180x160_v2, alongside a complementary IRIS study. |