Objective: To characterize plasma motions in post-eruption plasma sheets above flare arcades.
Description: Supra-arcade plasma that appears above a flare arcade after an eruption has been clearly observed in the soft X-rays using Yohkoh SXT and Hinode XRT, and in the EUV using the TRACE 195 A channel and the AIA 131 A channel (e.g. Savage & McKenzie 2011; Reeves & Golub, 2011, Warren et al., 2011). In one fortuitous case, emission from the Fe XXI line at 1354 A was detected in a post eruption plasma sheet using SUMER (Innes, 2003a,b). This supra-arcade plasma has been found to exhibit dynamic and turbulent motions (McKenzie 2013). These motions can provide insights into the reconnection process and also possible heating mechanisms of the supra-arcade plasma. The hot lines in EIS and the Fe XXI line in IRIS can provide crucial velocity information perpendicular to the plane of the sky for this plasma (see Doschek, McKenzie, & Warren, ApJ, submitted). High cadence XRT images along with AIA images from SDO will be useful for determining the motions in the plane of the sky and providing temperature information.
Innes, D., McKenzie, D. and Wang, T., SolPhys, 217, 247, 2003a Innes, D., McKenzie, D. and Wang, T., SolPhys, 217, 267, 2003b McKenzie, D., ApJ, 766, 39, 2013 Reeves, K. & Golub, L., ApJL, 727, L52, 2011 Savage, S. & McKenzie, D., ApJ, 730, 98, 2011 Warren, H. et al., 742, 92, 2011. |