Main Objective: Study of solar wind outflow in the individual magnetic funnels within coronal holes
Scientific Justification: High-speed solar wind streams are originally accelerated in magnetic funnels within coronal holes; distinguishing distinctly the individual magnetic funnels, however, is a difficult task. We approach this task by coordinated observations of BBSO/GST with IRIS and Hinode to track the individual magnetic funnels within coronal holes from the photosphere to the low corona, using magnetic field data in the photosphere and chromosphere, high- and low- FIP element abundances, and density and outflow maps. Combining these three observatories will allow us to determine how the solar wind velocity, temperature, and mass flux in the low corona depends on the properties of the individual magnetic funnels, i.e, their foot-point magnetic field strength, size, expansion factor, their magnetic environment, and their distance to the coronal hole boundary purely from observations. These results shall be later used to relate remote-observations of individual magnetic funnels in the low corona to in-situ observations taken by Parker Solar Probe. |