Dates: Periods were PHI will be observing (current plans as of 3 march 2020): - March 19, 10:22 - 16:22 (UTC). Polarimetric calibration of FDT.Around 11:30 (for one hour). FDT. - April 20, 10:21 - 13:51 (UTC). Exact times TBD. HRT. - May 13, 6:02 - 14:02 (UTC). Exact times TBD. HRT. - May 14, 5:57 - 12:18 (UTC). Exact times TBD. FDT. - May 14, ~17:00 - May 15, ~03:00 (UTC). Times TBD. HRT. Different pointings. - May 25: FDT calibration. Pending plan at SOLO level. May be shifted to early May.
All times may be shift by one or two hours depending on specific activities. This is very difficult to control if exact times have to be provided in advance. Hence, we will request to cover several hours during the expected time to ensure we have the required data. Unfortunatelly, commissioning activities cannot by any means adapted to other observatories. At all times the spacecraft is between Sun and Earth with small viewing angles between them.
Time window: Time window will be around three hours at each day: March 19, April 20, May 13,14, and 25. The exact start and end time of observations will be provided in the corresponding telecoms.
Target(s) of interest: For FDT calibrations disk center is the baseline. In case there are active regions, we would request to point to them. PHI FDT sees the full disk at any time.
For HRT we request disk center as well as baseline since we will not off-point. IF active regions are present and they are NEAR the disk center, we will request pointing AR. This has to be decided in the corresponding pointing telecoms. For May 14, ~17:00 - May 15, ~03:00 (UTC) windows we will provide exact pointings.
Previous HOPs: Non
Additional remarks: This is a special purpose HOP. |