Dates: We ask for Hinode support during the entire flight of the SUNRISE balloon. The flight duration is estimated to be up to 6 days. The exact date of the flight is not known. The sunrise launch window opens on May 25 (earliest possible launch date) and closes on July 12 (latest possible landing date).
Time window: Observations during the following periods are ideal for co-observations with ground-based telescopes: 08:00 - 12:00 UT (SST & GREGOR) 16:00 - 22:00 UT (BBSO) 18:00 - 24:00 UT (DKIST)
Target(s) of interest: QS: magnetism and convective dynamics AR: dynamics in moat region and plage as well as sunspot evolution E-W Limb: off-limb spicules
Additional remarks: The planned and the actual Sunrise pointing and the observing modes of the instruments will be displayed on a website ( To determine the targets and tracking curves, we request the Hinode team to follow this pointing information. After the upload of the Hinode planning file, Sunrise attempts to follow the Hinode coordination. IRIS is required to follow the Hinode coordination and the website information.
Time Period for Observations: We ask for Hinode support during the entire flight of the SUNRISE balloon. The flight duration is estimated to be up to 6 days. The exact date of the flight is not known. The sunrise launch window opens on May 25 (earliest possible launch date) and closes on July 12 (latest possible landing date). During this period the procedure for the Sunrise flight is as follows (all times are MESZ = UTC + 2h): 1. Day before launch, 14:00: Weather briefing, if predictions are good, ego-aheadf for launch preparations. 2. Launch day, 01:00: start of payload launch preparations (instrument functional check-out, instrument roll-out in front of integration hall, mounting solar panels, wind shields, antennas, ballast hoppers etc.) 3. Continuous weather monitoring regarding surface and mid altitude winds throughout the night and early morning, 2-3 sounding balloon launches 4. Launch day, 04:00: instrument switch-on in stand-by, instrument check-out, 5. Launch day, 05:00: roll-out to launch pad, antenna check-out. 6. Wait for optimum weather conditions. 7. L-2,5 hours: Roll-out of balloon film and helium filling -> decision of launch. 8. Launch (usually approx. 07:30-10:00) 9. L+2,5 hours: balloon is at float, instrument commissioning, and telescope and LISS co-alignment, pointing system parameter tuning. 10.L+ ~5 hours: start of observations. |