Target: On-disk coronal hole, within ~2.5 days of disk center. This is a To HOP, and the proposing team will notify the Hinode team when an appropriate target appears.
Pointing: At least one of the CH boundaries should be within the XRT FOV, but that boundary should be near the edge of the XRT FOV. It is acceptable for SOT's FOV to be totally inside the CH. But if the CH is not too large, please include a CH boundary in the SOT FOV, as long as XRT can still see the entire CH.
Time and Duration: The default request twelve hours per run if planning considerations allow, but no shorter than six hours. Please include the SAA-free time period if possible. Interruptions for standard synoptics is acceptable. Run repeatedly on successive days if solar conditions permit.
Other instruments: Other instruments, e.g., ground based, may participate in some runs of the HOP, but the default mode is Hinode alone. The HOP proposers will notify the Hinode planners if other instrument observing times need to be considered in preparing the Hinode plan. |