Main Objective: Coordinate observations with EIS and IRIS for several cross-calibration purposes: - To compare line radiance using oxygen lines for Quiet Sun and oxygen and magnesium lines for Active Regions. - To improve the Doppler shift performance of SPICE. This is a follow-up to some of the observations performed in HOP 0454 in March/April 2023. - To assess the co-alignment that can be achieved using upper chromosphere lines (e.g., He II for EIS and H I, O II and C III for SPICE).
Scientific Justification: Many coordinated science campaigns between SPICE, EIS and IRIS, with the purpose of measuring the solar composition and dynamics, are foreseen. Therefore, these cross-calibration measurements will help to improve the understanding of how to use these instruments together.
This should be run when Solar Orbiter is close to the Sun-Earth line in two instances: on 19 March and 20 March 2024 for a few hours each. This is the best opportunity with a small angle of separation between the spacecraft for the next 2.5 years. |