Main Objective: Constrain the temperature, velocity, microturbulence and magnetic field structure in solar plage
Scientific Justification: Both the structure of the plage chromosphere as well as the heating mechanisms that act there are poorly understood. We have submitted an ALMA observing proposal that received a grade A (highest priority), to study the temperature and heating mechanism of plage. The idea is to use combined ALMA, IRIS and Hinode observations, and use an advanced non-LTE, multi-atom, multi-wavelength inversion code based in RH (Uitenbroek 2001) to retrieve the temperature, velocity and microturbulent structure of the observed plage. SOT/SP scans will provide photospheric constraints to the inversions, as well as provide photospheric magnetic field maps for context. We requested 2.5 hours of alma observations, mapping an area of 80x80 arcsec containing plage. Therefore we request 12 repeats (=180 min) of a SOT/SP Fast map with 82x82 arcsec field of view, to cover the spatial and temporal extent of the ALMA observation. |