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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0487

Multi-line observations of small-scale dynamics in the photosphere and the chromosphere with BBSO/GST, Hinode, and IRIS

plan term


@ @


 name : Ishikawa, Kuniyoshi, Kubo, Lee, Lim @  e-mail : ishikawa.ryohtaro[at]nifs.ac.jp, hidesan[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp, masahito.kubo[at]nao.ac.jp, rolrinsun[at]gmail.com, eklim[at]kasi.re.kr

contact person in HINODE team

 name : Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: In the quiet region in the solar photosphere, turbulent convective motions of granular flows always interact with ubiquitous magnetic fields. Such interactions can drive local dynamo actions that amplify the photospheric magnetic fields and excite chromospheric dynamics. Among such dynamics, we focus on the coherent vortical structures in the chromosphere termed magnetic tornados that can efficiently transport Poynting flux to the upper atmosphere. By observing both the photospheric magnetic fields and the chromospheric dynamics simultaneously with a high spatial resolution, we expect to observe (A) temporal evolutions of magnetic fields together with turbulent flows and (B) chromospheric magnetic tornados.

Scientific Justification: In the quiet regions on the solar surface, turbulent convective motions of granulation play an important role in driving subgranular-scale flows by turbulent cascade from the energy injection at the granulation scale (Katsukawa et al. 2012). Such subgranular-scale flows are thought to be critical in creating small-scale magnetic structures through a local dynamo mechanism. However, it is still hard to directly observe the turbulence and its interaction with magnetic fields because of the small spatial scales. Such small-scale motions are also important for creating coherent vortical structures (i.e., Alfven waves) extending to the chromosphere termed magnetic tornadoes (e.g. Wedemeyer-Boehm et al. 2012), possibly providing half of energy required to sustain the coronal temperature (Kuniyoshi et al. 2023). While our model (Kuniyoshi et al. in prep) has predicted magnetic tornadoes can trigger the fine-scale coronal brightenings known as the campfires discovered by the Solar Orbiter (Berghmans et al. 2021), multi-line observations to capture their comprehensive structures from the photosphere to the corona have not been performed.

 request to SOT
Normal Map scans over a FOV of 82" x 102" (0x249)
This requires telemetry of about 0.3 Gbits/scan.

Please take 3 or 4 scans each day during the requested time window.
If telemetry is an issue, then 0x1b4 (82 x 82 arcsec) may also be used.

 request to XRT

 request to EIS
We request the observation set consisting of context image, raster scanning, and sit and stare obs. with a high time cadence. Depending on the target, we request different EIS studies as below.

- For a quiet region:
Context obs. - Study: PRY_slot_contextLIQS (ID: 577) x 1 time run (5 min)
Scanning obs. - Study: dhb_007_v2 (ID: 600) x 1 time run (~1 hour)
Sit & Stare obs. - Study: HPW021VEL001x512v1_b (ID: 519) x 1 (~1 hour)

- For an active region (in case of no QS on disk):
Context obs. - Study: PRY_slot_contextLIQS (ID: 577) x 1 time run (5 min)
Scanning obs. - Study: HPW021VEL120x512v2_b (ID:521) x 2 time run (1 and 40 min)
Sit & Stare obs. - Study: HPW021VEL001x512v2 (ID:584) x 1 times run (~ 50 min)

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
Large FOV scans
3600608065 | Very large dense 96-step raster 31.35x175 96s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, | 878.28 | 557.97 | 0.44 | 9.1+/-0.1 | 878+/-0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0

And narrow FOV scans
3600608037 | Very large dense 16-step raster 5x175 16s Deep x 8 Spatial x 2, Spec | 146.38 | 93.00 | 0.44 | 9.2+/-0.1 | 146+/-0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0 | 36.6+/-0.0


Dates: Aug 19th - Aug 23rd everyday

Time window: 16:00 - 22:00 UT

Target(s) of interest: quiet Sun near the disk center

Previous HOPs: None

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