Main Objective: Magnetic field measurement in the chromosphere.
Scientific Justification: Magnetic field and its structures in the solar atmosphere play an important role in energy transfer from the solar surface to the corona, which provide fundamental information to solve the remaining puzzle gthe coronal heating problemh. Measurements of the magnetic field in the chromosphere is essential to achieve the goal. In 2015 and 2019, we performed two sounding rocket experiments, CLASP1 and CLASP2, to establish the techniques to diagnose the chromospheric magnetic field by demonstrating the maturity of the ultraviolet spectropolarimetry for future development into a satellite. Now to confirm the capability, we will have a reflight of the CLASP2 payload with a modified observing program to produce a 2D magnetic map by slit scan and discuss 3D configuration of magnetic structures with multi-layer information in several lines from the solar surface to just beneath the corona.
We are planning to have coordinated observations with Hinode, IRIS, and some ground-based telescopes. In particular, Hinode will provide magnetic field information on the photosphere, which is essential for constructing the 3D view of magnetic atmosphere. The IRIS spectroscopic observations of the Mg II lines is also useful to recognize the dynamics of the observed targets before/during/after the flight.
The CLASP2.1 launch is scheduled for October 5 of 2021, and the tentative launch window is 17:30 -18:00 UT.
We will observe a plage during our ~5min flight except for calibration at the disk center, and request coordinated observations of the plage before and after as well as during the flight. The exact coordinates and the launch time will be determined and communicated before the planning.
We outline two cases below: the specific case to be used depends on the roll angle of CLASP2.1, and whether IRIS roll operations are allowed at the time of the CLASP2.1 launch. This determination will be communicated to the Hinode and IRIS teams in advance of the launch.