Quiet Sun Pointing: disk center observation from Hinode point of view. EIS observations should aim to have a similar FOV as SPICE (but from 1 au): 552"x607".
-Regular monitoring with Large_CH_Map (ID 453, covers region 180h x 512h in 65 mins) Run every 4 hours.
-Regular monitoring with Large_CH_Map (ID 453, covers region 180h x 512h in 65 mins) Mosaic of 6 scans (3 in x, 2 in y) to have a total region of at least 552"x607", in 6.5hours. Run once on the 8th of November, 11th, and 13th -Spectral atlas, Atlas_60 (ID 404, covers 120hx160h in 65mins) Run every 4 hours
Active region -Regular monitoring (ID 569, HPW021_VEL_260x512v2, ST_ID: 569, FOV: 260"x512", Exp.: 40s, Dur.: 65mn) Run every 4 hours
-Spectral atlas, Atlas_60 (ID 404, ST_ID: 404, FOV: 120"x160", Exp.: 60s Dur.:65mn) Run once per day
-Large format raster, DHB006 (ID 491, 490h x 512h Dur: 68 mins) Run once per day
Coronal Hole -Regular monitoring with HOP81_new_study (ID 482, covers region 320h x 384h in 73 mins) Run every 4 hours. -Spectral atlas, Atlas_120 (ID 405, covers 120hx160h in 128 mins) Run once per day.