Before LWB: - High resolution SP-scan of whole AR ending at LWB. - At the end of this scan (from LWB-5 min to LWB): BFI/Ca and G-band images over full FOV NFI/Na IVDG over full FOV, 2x2 binned From LWB to LWE: SP : fast raster (dynamics), 15"x60" at 1 min cadence, 2x binning and exposing at every other slit position NFI: H-alpha sequence: H-alpha at -2.1A, at -1.28A and -0.87A, 30"x82", 2x2 rebinned, at 13 s cadence BFI: Ca II H, 38"x88", 2x2 rebinned, exposure time of >0.6s, at 13 s cadence
The NFI high cadence run is similar to that of HOP 159, which was run on April 25 2010 and Sep 17 2010. The SP fast raster is similar to what was run for SUMI first launch (HOP 77) on July 30, 2010.
After LWE: - High resolution SP-scan of whole AR starting at LWE. - At the beginning of this scan (from LWE to LWE+5 min): BFI/Ca and G-band images over full FOV NFI/Na IVDG over full FOV, 2x2 binned
Telemetry rate: XX Mbits/hour |