Main Objective: Study flows and waves in and around active regions, from two vantage points
Scientific Justification: During the eleventh remote sensing window of the nominal mission phase, Solar Orbiter will run the R_SMALL_HRES_HCAD_Atmospheric_Dynamics_Structure SOOP. High cadence and high resolutionobservations will be taken simultaneously by PHI, EUI and SPICE. The goals of the SOOP are:
1. Study flows in and around sunspots, moving magnetic features, flux cancellation at the boundary of sunspot and effects in upper atmospheric layers
2. Study the presence of waves in the active region at different heights in the solar atmosphere
The SOOP will be run in a specific configuration such as the active region will be visible from Solar Orbiter and Earth. The angle between Earth, the Sun, and Solar Orbiter will be 42 deg, which is appropriate for magnetic stereoscopy and for measuring two components of the velocity vector. This configuration gives a great opportunity to observe an active region from two vantage points using Solar Orbiter, Hinode, IRIS and other ground-based observatories as GREGOR and SST.
The PHI team is leading this SOOP. The instrument will take full vector spectropolarimetric measurements for 6 hours at 1 minute cadence with the High Resolution Telescope. This will be the longest duration time series obtained by PHI observing an active region. Very high-cadence burst of two hours taken by EUI-HRI is planned during the PHI observation. SPICE rasters with ten minutes cadence will also be taken to include more layers of the solar atmosphere. |