Obtain SOT filtergrams from the Broad band Filter Imager(BFI): G-band, CNI, CaIIH, Blue and Red continuum in this priority order, at the best possible conditions (highcadence,binning 1x1, etc). Since one of the scientific objectives is to study bright points, a cadence of about 20seconds(in accordance with the current telemetry restrictions) would be fine.
Obtain SOT magnetograms (Stokes parameters I, V)from Narrow band Filter Imager (NFI) on wavelengths: NaID,MgI or FeI.
SP: Obtain magnetograms or spectropolarimetric maps in hFast Maphmode, if possible at or near the sametime as the filtergrams. As the previous case,we would like to get the best possible conditions. This would be the last instrumental priority.
If the SP cannot be operated simultaneously with the BFI,the SP maps could be obtained during one hour before or after the main BFI operation described above. |