Summary: The moat region around sunspots shows numerous moving magnetic features (MMFs): small magnetic features that move radially outwards from the sunspot. MMFs can have an opposite polarity to the sunspot, and an early IRIS data-set from 2013 October 22 demonstrated that such MMFs can exhibit both transition region and coronal emission as they cancel against stronger plage fields. These MMFs all show signatures in the AIA 1700 channel and the IRIS Mg II and C II lines. A subset show very strong SiIV emission, and a smaller subset show coronal emission in the AIA 171 filter. The MMFs typically have a lifetime of 20-60 minutes, and they move over distances of up to 25 arcsec.
This IHOP will obtain coordinated observations between SOT, XRT, EIS and IRIS to identify the magnetic topology and evolution that determines what temperature these MMFs reach. Signatures of the (presumed) magnetic reconnection will be identified through dynamics seen in the IRIS and EIS emission lines. |