Chromospheric dynamic phenomena such as jets, sudden heatings, etc. are all related with the fundamental plasma processes, i.e., magnetic reconnections, waves and shocks, and they have become more clear by recent MHD simulations and high-resolution observations with the HINODE and IRIS.
We intend to quantitatively verify the present models of such phenomena by simultaneous and high-cadence observations covering a wide range of solar atmosphere from the photosphere to the lower corona by using the HINODE, IRIS and multi-line spectroscopic observation with the Domeless Solar Telescope (DST) at the Hida Obs.
For example, we will verify whether the mechanisms of chromospheric jets are all magnetic reconnection (ubiquitous reconnection) by measuring the 3D structures & evolutions of the velocity field (bidirectional flow, reconnection flow, shock wave), temperature, density around the jets.
Gas dynamics in flare kernels is another interest. We will try to detect the downward propagating shock in chromosphere just beneith the evapolation site and verify the dynamic model of the flaring chromosphere and determine the spatial distribution of energy deposition to clarify the heating mechanism.
Oscillation of sunspots is another target of this proposal. Waves propagating upward and their evolution into shocks will be investigated to evaluate the energy flux and dissipation that may heat the sunspot chromosphere and oberlaying corona.
To this end, Hida observatory will provide highly complementary data sets to Hinode and IRIS i.e., DST will take full spectral ine profiles of CaII K, Ha and CaII854nm over a FOV of 50"x150" with a time cadence of 10 sec and a moderately high spatial resolution of 1 arcsec or better. It is stressed the combination of Hinode, IRIS and DST/Hida, provides a powerful tool for diagnosing the 3D solar atmosphere for the first time. |