Study: cam_artb_rhessi_a_1 (already exists) Slits: 2~256 arc sec2 Raster area: 240~240 arc sec2 Emission lines: 21 lines, including: TR lines: He II 256.3 Å, OV 248.46 A Lines at higher temperature: Fe VIII 185.12 Å, Fe XI 188.23 Å, Fe XII 195.12 Å, Fe XIII 202.04/203.83, Fe XVI 262.9 Å, Fe XXIII 263.76, Fe XIV 264.78/274.20, Mg VII 278.39/280.75, Fe XV 284.16.
The following existing study has been found suitable for this programme:
Cam_artb_rhessi_a_1 Data rate: 64.5 kbits/s Data volume: 133 Mbits Cadence: ~30 minutes (exposure time: 15 s)
In the future we will consider using JPEG90 compression to reduce the data volume by a factor of 2. |