Dates: 2017/10/02-2017/10/15, 2016/09/23 - 2016/10/06 Time window: The best coordination time is from 8:45 am to noon La Palma time, which is 07:45 UT to 11 UT. During this La Palma time (7:45 to 11 UT), IRIS will focus on high cadence runs, such as sit-and-stare, small or medium rasters. A single target will be chosen for each dayfs observing in this time period. The IRIS planner and SOT CO would typically schedule large raster scans for context before or after the La Palma time, so that high cadence programs are run during La Palma time.
Every day from 11 UT to 17 UT, IRIS and SST will perform flarewatch on the most promising active region. Hinode is invited to do the same using its standard flarewatch programs.
Target(s) of interest: A. Chromospheric Heating: AR mossy plage is first priority, then QS network
B. RBEs/RREs/Jets: strong network close to disk center, mu > 0.9, IRIS slit should ideally be positioned just next to the magnetic network regions, crossing the chromospheric halo and covering jets shooting off from the network.
Previous HOP information: HOP 236, 257 References: "Fan-shaped jets above the light bridge of a sunspot driven by reconnection," Robustini et al, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 590, 2016 "On the Active Region Bright Grains Observed in the Transition Region Imaging Channels of IRIS," Skogrud et al, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 817, 2016. "Evidence for a Transition Region Response to Penumbral Microjets in Sunspots," Vissers et al, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 811, 2015 "Ellerman Bombs at High Resolution. III. Simultaneous Observations with IRIS and SST," Vissers et al, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 812, 2015
Additional Remarks: Links to the IRIS timelines, pointings, and coordination calendar may be found at: Pointing images are at plannedevents&instrument=iris and IRIS OBS IDs at the IRIS Coordinatioon Calendar link on the operations page. |