Before: NFI: Na IVDG, 40x164", 2x2 binned (this is to obtain context magnetograms) for 5 minutes
High-cadence run: SP : fast raster (dynamics), 4.8"x60" at 1 min cadence NFI: H-alpha sequence: H-alpha at -2.1A, at -1.28A and -0.87A, 30"x82", 2x2 rebinned, at 13 s cadence BFI: Ca II H, 38"x88", 2x2 rebinned, exposure time of >0.6s, at 13 s cadence
The high cadence part should run for 1 hour. The Na IVDG should be run before the high cadence run for about 5 minutes for co-alignment.
Telemetry rate: XX Mbits/hour |