Targets: Prominences: preferentially above the solar limb, or Filaments: on disk
References: Culhane, J. L., Harra, L. K., James, A. M., et al. 2007, The EUV Imaging Spectrometer for Hinode, Sol. Phys., 243, 19
Lemen, J. R., Title, A. M., Akin, D. J., et al. 2012, The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Sol. Phys., 275, 17-40 Su, Y. Wang, T., Veronig, A., Temmer, M., Gan, W., 2012, Solar Magnetized gTornadoesh: Relation to filaments, ApJ Lett. 756, L41
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Pesnell, W.D., Thompson, B. J., Chamberlin, P.C., 2012, The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), Sol. Phys., 275, 3-15
I am the PI of HOP-180 which was already performed three times. The published papers based on the HOP-180 data are:
- Veronig, A.M. - Gomory, P. - Kienreich, I. W. - Muhr, N. - Vrsnak, B. - Temmer, M. - Warren, H.P.: Plasma Diagnostics of an EIT Wave Observed by Hinode/EIS and SDO/AIA. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 743, Issue 1, article id. L10, 7 pp. (2011).
- Harra, L.K. - Sterling, A.C. - Gomory, P - Veronig, A.M.: Spectroscopic Observations of a Coronal Moreton Wave. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 737, Issue 1, article id. L4, 6 pp.(2011).
The PI of the HOP-237, i.e. of the programme we are asking for support now, is Dr. Yang Su. The HOP-237 was run only once.
The acquired data were published in the following paper: - Su, Y. - Gomory, P. - Veronig, A. M. - Temmer, M. - Wang, T. - Vanninathan, K. - Gan, W. - Li, Y.: Solar Magnetized Tornadoes: Rotational Motion in a Tornado-like Prominence. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 785, Issue 1, article id. L2,6 pp. (2014).
During its first run in 2013, we obtained a good dataset that allowed us to identify the rotational motion within, a key characteristic of tornado-like prominences. Two papers have been published from this dataset.
1. Su, Yang; Gömöry, Peter; Veronig, Astrid, et al. Solar Magnetized Tornadoes: Rotational Motion in a Tornado-like Prominence, ApJL, 785, L2, 2014
2. Levens, Peter; Labrosse, Nicolas; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Schmieder, Brigitte, A solar tornado observed by EIS: Plasma diagnostics, submitted to AA (In press) .
During the second run in 2014, we made a small modification to the list of spectral lines to better understand plasma density inside tornado. However, due to the presence of coronal loops along the light of sight, we didn't get a clear structure of the tornado itself. However for the first time, we observed one close to disk centre, which allowed us to study the magnetic field and plasma motions at the feet of tornadoes. The work is still in progress.
Recently, Terry Kucera and Peter Young informed us of an issue with EIS, that the PSF function may have caused the signature of rotational motion. However, it is difficult to identify/remove its effect. A simple way is to observe more tornadoes. All we need to do is to find a structure above the limb that is rotating oppositely to the PSF effect. We also hope to study plasma density within tornadoes.
Therefore, we request the third run, using the same selection of spectral lines as from the second run. We will also inform the ground observation team and IRIS team. |