Main Objective: To study the relationship of solar jets with solar wind using Parker Solar Probe
Scientific Justification: The coronal observations of energetic events such as solar jets have given us a new perspective to look at the coronal heating problem and particle acceleration. Jets are short-lived collimated transients and have been observed to originate in different magnetic environments such as coronal holes and activeregions. A multiwavelength study has shown their structure and morphology in different layers of the solar atmosphere (Mulay et al. 2016, 2017). Their association with microflares (Chae et al., 1999), solar X-ray flares (Mulay et al. 2018), coronal mass ejections (Liu et al., 2015) and solar energetic particle events (Nitta et al., 2006, Bucik et al. 2018a,b) make them interesting for further investigation.
By taking advantage of recently launched Parker Solar Probe satellite which will be at unprecedented close distance to the Sun, we are interested in studying the properties of the fast (slow) solar wind and their connection with coronal hole (CH) jets (active region (AR) jets). Furthermore, Parker Solar Probe would be essential in measuring small-size 3He-rich events.
Depending on the target available on the solar disk during the perihelion, we would like to observe the CH jet or AR jet by using simultaneous imaging and spectroscopic observations from EIS, XRT and IRIS. Our aim is to study the signatures of jets in the transition region and lower corona. We would like to measure the changes in temperature and physical parameters (electron number density, emission measure, plane-of-sky, Doppler and nonthermal velocity etc.) before, during and after the evolution of jet.
It has been observed that most of AR jets originate from the western periphery of active regions and/or leading sunspots (Shimojo et al. 1996). It has been thought that active region edges are the possible sources of slow solar wind. Having signatures of AR jets close to AR outflow regions will advance our understanding of the source region of the slow solar wind. In addition, we would like to study the relationship of jets with 3He-rich particle events and nonthermal type III radio bursts.
References: Bucik, R., Innes, D.E., Mason, G.M., et al. 2018a, ApJ, 852, 76 Bucik, R., Wiedenbeck, M.E., Mason, G.M., et al. 2018b, ApJL, 869, L21 Chae, J., Qiu, J., Wang, H., Goode, P.R.: 1999, ApJ. Lett. 513, L75 Liu, J., Wang, Y., Shen, C., Liu, K., Pan, Z., Wang, S.: 2015, ApJ, 813, 115. Mulay, S. M., Tripathi, D., Del Zanna, G., & Mason, H. 2016, A&A, 589, A79 Mulay, S. M., Zanna, G. D., & Mason, H. 2017, A&A, 598, A11 Mulay, S. M., Matthews, S., Hasegawa, T., et al. 2018, Sol. Phys., 293, 160 Nitta, N.V., Reames, D.V., et al. 2006, ApJ, 650, 438 Shimojo, M., Hashimoto, S., Shibata, K., et al. 1996, PASJ, 48, 123 |