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HINODE Operation Plan (HOP)

accepted on


 HOP No.

 HOP title

HOP 0490

[SOOP: AR Long Term - TNE flavor] Long-term tracking of an active region undergoing thermal non-equilibirum

plan term


@ @


 name : Froment, Eklund, Li @  e-mail : clara.froment[at]cnrs-orleans.fr, henrik.eklund[at]esa.int, lixiaohong[at]mps.mpg.de

contact person in HINODE team

 name : General: Savage, Watanabe, De Pontieu,  DeRosa/Dick Shine, (LMSAL), Reeves/Testa, Matthews/Culhane @  e-mail : sabrina.savage[at]nasa.gov, watanabe.tetsuya[at]nao.ac.jp, bdp[at]lmsal.com, derosa[at]lmsal.com, Shine[at]lmsal.com, joten, kreeves[at]cfa.harvard.edu,sarah.matthews[at]ucl.ac.uk,

 abstract of observational proposal
Main Objective: Our goal is to conduct coordinated observations an active region, followed for as long as possible (up to the 14 days of the SOOP) and study thermal non-equilibrium and related processes (long-period EUV pulsations, coronal rain, flows, variations of abundances, footpoint heating, magnetic field measurements).

Scientific Justification: The proposed HOP is planned to run in parallel to the R_SMALL_MRES_MCAD_AR-Long-Term. This SOOP (compared to the previous instances of the AR tracking SOOP) has a << thermal non-equilibrium (TNE)>> flavor.
More information are available here :
TNE is a thermodynamical state set by stratified (mainly at the footpoints) and quasi-steady heating. TNE is observed in a majority of coronal loops in active regions and manifests as evaporation-condensation cycles. As such TNE is a key process for the mass and energy transport in the solar atmosphere. The idea is to follow an AR that undergoes these long periods (hours-long) evaporation and condensation cycles for as long as possible, ideally for the full 14-day window we have in the Solar Orbiter planning.

Since Solar Orbiter can, to some approximation, co-rotate with active regions (ARs), it allows a longer follow-up, thus allowing to investigate how much can TNE cycles last. Observations are currently limited to the follow-up of active regions during their passage on-disk, and the length of TNE cycles is constrained by this artificial limitation (6.5 days with limited distortion). The AR long-term evolution SOOP will take place between 2-16 October 2024, and it aims at capturing from the unique standpoint and capabilities the major aspects of TNE cycles in the solar corona and will try to address two main scientific questions:
Q1: How long do they last? How/when do they start and stop?
Q2: Are these cycles producing elemental abundances variations?
We will be interested in long-period EUV pulsations (with the continuous 10-min cadence EUI/FSI observations). These pulsations reflect the density and temperature changes for coronal loops undergoing TNE. We will also aim to observe coronal rain during the cooling phases of these cycles
(EUI/HRI observations, 5 s cadence for one hour every day). PHI/HRT will also run at a cadence of 60-min at hh:30 (so it always falls mid-time of the HRI windows). With SPICE (64-min rasters: 64 slits positions, 60-s exposure and 6" slits).we will explore for the first time whether these cycles produce characteristic elemental abundance variations. These cycles involve chromospheric evaporation and abundances are set in the chromosphere. In order to get these continuous composition rasters, we will thus not look at the dynamics with SPICE.

We would thus like to complement these observations with in particular EIS observations, to focus on the coronal flows related to TNE.

 request to SOT
In the interval October 2 to October 15 2024:
- The first map should taken at 09:00 UT. This will coincide with the EUI/HRI high-resolution and high-cadence burst (from 09:00 to 10:00 UT on Oct 2-5 and Oct 12-15 and 09:15 to 09:45 UT on Oct 6,7,9,10,11) and the suitable time for the SST and GREGOR coordination.
- The second map should be taken at 19:00 UT. This will coincide with the second EUI/HRI high-resolution and high-cadence burst (19:00-20:00 UT on Oct 8 and 19:15-19:45 UT on Oct 6,7,9,10,11), and the suitable the DKIST coordination.
- On October 8, there will be a Solar Orbiter interruption from 00 UT to 14 UT. However the SST and GREGOR team will keep following the same target if the seeing conditions are suitable. We leave it at your discretion to decide whether you wish to keep the first map on this day.

If the telemery allows it, SOT observations could follow the previous request of HOP 0442. Priority on times when PHI/HRT observes (see the "time window" section) and more specifically during coordination time with DKIST and SST&GREGOR, that will happen at late and early UT hours, respectively.

Since Solar Orbiter can, to some approximation, co-rotate with active regions (ARs), it allows a longer follow-up, thus allowing to investigate how much can TNE cycles last. Observations are currently limited to the follow-up of active regions during their passage on-disk, and the length of TNE cycles is constrained by this artificial limitation (6.5 days with limited distortion). The AR long-term evolution SOOP will take place between 2-16 October 2024, and it aims at capturing from the unique standpoint and capabilities the major aspects of TNE cycles in the solar corona and will try to address two main scientific questions:
Q1: How long do they last? How/when do they start and stop?
Q2: Are these cycles producing elemental abundances variations?
We will be interested in long-period EUV pulsations (with the continuous 10-min cadence EUI/FSI observations). These pulsations reflect the density and temperature changes for coronal loops undergoing TNE. We will also aim to observe coronal rain during the cooling phases of these cycles
(EUI/HRI observations, 5 s cadence for one hour every day). PHI/HRT will also run at a cadence of 60-min at hh:30 (so it always falls mid-time of the HRI windows). With SPICE (64-min rasters: 64 slits
positions, 60-s exposure and 6" slits).we will explore for the first time whether these cycles produce characteristic elemental abundance variations. These cycles involve chromospheric evaporation and abundances are set in the chromosphere. In order to get these continuous composition rasters, we will thus not look at the dynamics with SPICE.

We would thus like to complement these observations with in particular EIS observations, to focus on the coronal flows related to TNE.

 request to XRT
Optional: If the telemery allows it, XRT observations could follow the previous request of HOP 0442.

 request to EIS
*EIS observations are the priority of this request*

For EIS, two requests:
1) In order to study long term variations, we request observations of the same AR spanning over time. The days at which the target will be around the central meridian (as seen from Earth) are a priority. We request at least two consecutive days. Study 571 (ar_vel_fast_scan) should be repeated during that time period, thus resulting in a raster being captured every 40 min.
Observations can occur at any time in the interval, ideally excluding Oct 7 after 21:26:00 and until Oct 8 at 16:48:00 when SPICE will not observe.
2) (NOTE: Request 1 is the first priority, even during these intervals, unless there are already two consecutive days of active region observations with study 571 as described above). Run the same EIS request from 0414 in the intervals 9:00-10:00 UT on Oct 2-5 and Oct 12-15, 19:00-20:00 UT on Oct 8, 9:15-9:45 UT and 19:15-19:45 UT on Oct 6,7,9,10,11.

The following is taken from HOP 0347 that ran once.

In order to study these long term variations, we request observations of the same AR spanning over at least 2 days just before, or centered on the passage of the AR at the central meridian. Study 571 (ar_vel_fast_scan) should be repeated during that time period, thus resulting in a raster being captured every 40 min.

This could be repeated for more days if suitable.
Ponctually, something inspired from HOP 0414 could be ran (measuring the coronal magnetic field though exploitation of the magnetically induced transition of the Fe X 257.26 A line).

 other participating instruments
IRIS requests:
IRIS support was requested and confirmed.

Additional instrument coordination:

Dates: Start of the SOOP: 2024 October, 2 @ 06:20 UT ; end of the SOOP: 2024 October, 15 @ 13:55 UT

We would like to request for as much co-observations as possible for this unique campaign. However, please note that *the target may not observable with Hinode before October, 5* (see the target section). At least 2 consecutive days are required for the EIS observations (inspired by HOP 0347).

Time window: Indications of the SOOP timings:

Target(s) of interest: Active region appearing at the East limb and then spanning on the disk. This will likely be a mid-latitude active region.

For EUI:
- FSI at a cadence of 10 min (174 & 304 &#197;), continuous observations from Oct, 2 @05:30 UT to Oct, 16@11:00 UT (extends one extra day after the end of the SOOP)
- HRI_EUV at a cadence of 5 s (174 &#197;) for 1 hour per day (sometimes two 30-min windows):9:00-10:00 UT on Oct 2-5 and Oct 12-15, and 19:00-20:00 UT on Oct 8 9:15-9:45 UT and 19:15-19:45 UT on Oct 6,7,9,10,11.
The alternation of early and late UT hour was decided to accomodate for both SST and GREGOR, and DKIST co-observations, respectively.

For PHI:
- HRT at a cadence of 60-min at hh:30 (so it always falls mid-time of the HRI window). Interuption on October, 8 from 00:00 UT to 14::30

- Composition rasters: 64-min rasters: 64 slits positions, 60-s exposure (and 6'' slits).
timings in UT:
from Oct 2 @  9:05:00 to Oct 2 @ 23:01:13;
from Oct 2 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 3 @ 22:49:13;
from Oct 3 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 4 @ 20:40:47;
from Oct 4 @ 21:05:00 to Oct 5 @ 18:30:47;
from Oct 5 @ 18:30:47 to Oct 5 @ 22:49:00;
from Oct 5 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 6 @ 20:40:47;
from Oct 6 @ 20:45:00 to Oct 7 @ 18:10:47;
from Oct 7 @ 18:12:00 to Oct 7 @ 21:26:00;
from Oct 8 @ 16:48:00 to Oct 9 @ 14:13:47;
from Oct 9 @ 14:14:47 to Oct 9 @ 22:49:53;
from Oct 9 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 10 @ 22:49:13;
from Oct 10 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 11 @ 22:49:13;
from Oct 11 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 12 @ 22:49:13;
from Oct 12 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 13 @ 22:49:13;
from Oct 13 @ 23:15:00 to Oct 14 @ 20:40:47;
from Oct 14 @20:45:00 to Oct 15 @ 10:41:13
Oct 2 from 06:20:00 to 09:00:10;
Oct 3 from 22:51 to 23:08:50;
Oct 4 from 20:41:10 to 21:00:00;
Oct 5 from 22:51:00 to 23:09:00; from
Oct 7 from 21:50:00 to 23:37:10;
Oct 8 from 14:05:00 to 16:45:10;
Oct 9 from 22:51:10 to 23:10:00;
Oct 10 from 23:14:00 to 22:49:15;
Oct 11 from 22:51:00 to 23:09:50;
Oct 12 from 22:51:00 to 23:09:50;
Oct 13 from 22:51:00 to 23:09:50;
Oct 15 from 11:15:00 to 13:55:10

Target(s) of interest: Active region appearing at the East limb and then spanning on the disk. This will likely be a mid-latitude active region.

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