Main Objective: Examine the evolution of mass and energy through the Chromosphere/Transition region/Corona on both spatial and temporal scales
Scientific Justification: This is a revised version of IHOP 406. We have successfully acquired joint time on the SST, Gregor, and VLA for 27 July to 5 August 2022 therefore we request that the IHOP be run again with different Hinode/EIS and IRIS studies. The changes made to the studies are based on analysis of the data from the previous run during Oct 2020. The science justification is repeated from the original IHOP.
First Ionisation Potential (FIP) is a powerful tool for investigating the relationship between different parts of the solar atmosphere and quantifying the evolution of mass and energy from the Sun through its atmosphere into the heliosphere. However, the process by which elemental abundance is fractionated in the solar atmosphere remains uncertain. Recent work by To et al. (2020, in prep), Stangalini et al. (2020, submitted), Baker et al. (2020, in prep) has found evidence of strong FIP bias associated with waves propagating along strong magnetic fields within active regions and sunspots. However, this work has been limited to observations of the corona (using AIA and EIS) and the photosphere/chromosphere (using IBIS), with no supporting observations in the transition region.
We propose a joint observing campaign using both Hinode/EIS and IRIS to probe the interface region of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona. This will enable a systematic examination of the evolution of mass and energy through the different layers of the solar atmosphere on both spatial and temporal scales. Hinode/EIS will provide observations of elemental abundance variation in the corona, while the higher spatial and temporal resolution of IRIS will be used to identify signatures of wave propagation associated with these elemental abundance variations. Hinode/SOT offers spectropolarimetric observations which can provide a constraint on the associated magnetic field.
Hinode/XRT will provide higher temperature constraints on the plasma which will be vital when constructing the associated DEMs. |