Dates: - ToO program from June 27 to July 5. We will alert the planners if a suitable target is available and propose pointing coordinates. - Minimum would be one co-observed flare, ideally several flares are desired.
Time window: Very good seeing at GREGOR most often occurs from 8-10 UT. Good seeing can last from 7.30-11.30 UT. Please schedule observations for 7.30-11.30 UT and in case of telemetry issues, prioritize 8-10 UT. Start the observation at the end of orbital night, and finish at the beginning of orbital night tomaximize telemetry. Interruptions for synoptics are allowed, but not desired.
Target(s) of interest: Flares, i.e. complex active regions. ToO, we will alert planners if a suitable AR is available.
Previous HOP information:
HOP 251 Publications: - L. Kleint, P. Heinzel, P. Judge, S. Krucker: "Continuum Enhancements in the Ultraviolet, the Visible, and the Infrared during the X1 flare on 2014 March 29", ApJ, 816, 88, 2016 - W. Liu, P. Heinzel, L. Kleint, J. Kasparova: "Mg II Lines Observed during the X-class Flare on 29 March 2014 by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph", SoPh, 290, 3235, 2015 - P. Judge, L. Kleint, A. Sainz Dalda: "On helium line polarization during the impulsive phase of an X1 flare", ApJ, 814, 100, 2015 - M. Battaglia, L. Kleint, S. Krucker, D. Graham: "How important are electron beams in driving chromospheric evaporation in the 2014 March 29 flare?", ApJ 813, 113, 2015 - L. Kleint, M. Battaglia, K. Reardon, A. Sainz Dalda, P.R. Young, S. Krucker: "The Fast Filament Eruption Leading to the X-flare on 2014 March 29", ApJ 806, 9, 2015 - P. Judge, L. Kleint, A. Donea, A. Sainz Dalda, L. Fletcher: "On the Origin of a Sunquake during the 2014 March 29 X1 Flare", ApJ 796, 85, 2014 - P. Heinzel & L. Kleint: "Hydrogen Balmer Continuum in Solar Flares Detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)", ApJ 794, 23, 2014
Additional Remarks: Hinode planners: please start the observation at the end of orbital night, and finish at the beginning of orbital night to maximize telemetry. Time window: 7.30-11.30. UT
References: Heinzel & Kleint, ApJ 794, 23, 2014 Kleint et al., ApJ 816, 88, 2016. |