Dates: Co-observation with FDT: March 19, 2024, FDT will observe from 13:53 UT to 13:58 UT with a 12-point scan of the line, followed by standard (6 points) observations from 13:59 UT to 14:59 UT.
Co-observation with HRT: 20 March 2024, HRT will observe from 01:00 UT to 01:05 UT with a 12-point scan of the line, followed by standard (6 points) observations from 01:06 UT to 02:06 UT.
Time window: For the FDT observations on March 19, 2024 co-observations should be performed in the time interval from 13:50 UT to 14:50 UT.
For the HRT observations on March 20, 2024 co-observations should be performed in the time interval from 00:58 UT to 02:00 UT.
Target(s) of interest: For the FDT observations on March 19, 2024: Active region, possibly close to central meridian and anyway not too close to the limb
For the HRT observations on March 20, 2024: Active region, same nominal pointing of the SOOP COORD_CALIBRATION (CC1_115), to be published in the late afternoon of 17/03/2024 on the dedicated web page xternal+parties
We request three scans, each starting at a different position with respect to the pointing during the CC1_115 SOOP: i) start at the published nominal pointing as SO; ii) start with an offset of +50 arcsec in the slit-scanning direction with respect to the published nominal pointing; iii) start with an offset of -50 arcsec in the slit-scanning direction with respect to the published nominal pointing.
Previous HOPs: Several successful HOPs have already been run to address the SO/PHI - Hinode-SP cross-calibration. HOP 0397 was run during SO commissioning (data has been successfully analyzed and pending for publication), HOP 0431 and HOP 0452 were run during the science mission phase in 2022 and 2023 (data analysis is ongoing). Unfortunately, co-observations with SO/PHI-FDT could not be performed, as part of HOP 0452, in 2023, due to a failure on board the SO spacecraft. SO will leave the ecliptic at the beginning of 2025, making this the last chance to get real co-aligned observations from a vantage point on or close to Earth. This HOP is important to continue monitoring and cross-calibrating SO/PHI and to perform detailed studies about the temporal evolution of its performance.
Additional remarks: It is important to take into account that the above specific times (UT) are still to be confirmed. Exact times of observations will be provided well in advance, probably two weeks before the observations. |