Objective: To verify the quality of solar data obtained with ALMA, we wish to compare the ALMA data with the data observed with Hinode. The scope of the scientific achievements from ALMA solar observations will be clarified by these simultaneous observations.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) is a millimeter/sub-millimeter interferometer of revolutionary design, composed of 66 high precision antennas located on the Chajnantor plateau, 5000 meters altitude in northern Chile. The Sun is one of the observing targets of ALMA, and ALMA data will contribute significantly to the understanding of not only flare science but also chromospheric science.
ALMA solar observations are still in the commissioning phase now. We will hold a observing campaign for commissioning of solar observations from December 9 to December 16, 2014. The principal goals of the campaign are; 1) to establish the observing sequences and calibration methods for solar observations in public use, 2) to verify the quality of solar data obtained with ALMA, to fix the specifications for ALMA solar public-use observations, 3) to provide data needed for assessing the scientific achievements to be obtained from general use of ALMA observations. To verify the quality of ALMA data and assess the scientific achievements, a comparison between ALMA data and Hinode data is important. Especially, CaII images obtained with SOT show us the atmospheric layers close to those seen in the continuum with ALMA data, and the spatial resolution of SOT is similar to the predicted spatial resolution of solar synthesized image made from ALMA data with the planned antenna configuration of the early phase of public use. Hence, the SOT data are essential for the scientific verification of ALMA solar observations. To achieve the goals of this first campaign, we propose joint observations of ALMA and Hinode. |